Vatican II: Dogmatic Constitution on the Church See Chapter V: The call of the whole Church to holiness
Bibliographies by Rev. William Harmless, SJ, of Creighton University -----
Surveys and Introductory Works -----
Spirituality of the Early Church -----
Spirituality of the Middle Ages -----
Reformation and Early Modern Spirituality -----
Spirituality in the Modern World -----
Spirituality & the World Religions
Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
Spirituality in a Post-Christian Europe Javier Melloni
Why Does the History of Christian Spirituality Matter? Rob Faesen
Euoprean Spirituality George Pattery
Anne Carr, Sparrows, and the Spirituality of Providence Robert E. Doud
The Spirituality of Bede Griffiths Hans Gustafson
The Meaningfulness of Yoga to Christian Discipleship John N. Sheveland
Firestone of Divine Love Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
Spiritual Accompaniment and Discernment Dermot Mansfield
The Believer as Citizen Mystic John Sullivan
The Practice of Contemplation as Witness and Resistance Christine Valters Paintner
The Search for an Attractive Form of Faith Jos Moons
Spirituality, Globalisation and Resistance Notes from South Africa Anthony Egan
The Retreat: Coming Soon to your Television Screen Beth Crisp
Spirituality in the Market Place Terry Biddington
The Ascetics and their Bodies Ian Bell
The Treatise on Abandonment to Divine Providence Dominique Salin
The Sacrament of Now Andrew Ryder
The Experience of God in Suffering and Dying Monika Renz
The Second Journey of John Henry Newman Gerald O'Collins
The 'Terrible Sonnets' of Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Spirituality of Depression Hilary Pearson
Gwen John: Her Art and Spirituality Tessa Frank
Cities and Human Community: Spirituality and the Urban Philip Sheldrake
Retreats on the Streets Christian Herwartz
Godtalk in Latin America: The View from the Margins Gustavo Gutierrez
Turning to God in Troubled Times Kathleen Fischer
Servants of the Lord Nathan Stone
Receiving and Rejecting: On Finding a Way in Spiritual Direction Robert R Marsh
Birthing and the Spiritual Journey Anne Dooley
Scientific Research as Adoration: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) Thomas M. King
Oscar Romero, Religion and Spirituality J. Matthew Ashley
Embracing Life, Embracing the Cross: Edward Schillebeeckx and Suffering Kathleen McManus
Conversion and Spirituality: Bernard Lonergan (1904-1984) Raymond Moloney
Moving Mysticism to the Centre: Karl Rahner (1904-1984) Patricia Carroll
Spirituality as the Art of Real Presence John O'Donohue
The Spiritual Classics as Spiritual Guides Wendy M. Wright
Spirituality and Secularity Peter H. Van Ness
Landscape and Spirituality: A Tension Between Place and Placelessness in Christian Thought Belden C. Lane
Spirituality, Society and Culture Ursula King
Spirituality: An Australian Accent Tony Kelly
Cultural and Spiritual Formation Vicky Cosstick
Liberationist Spirituality Mark Corner
Harmonic Convergences and All That: New Age Spirituality David S. Toolan
Pluralism in Christian Spirituality Walter Principe
Feminism and Spirituality: The Role of the Bible in Women's Spirituality Dorothy A. Lee-Pollard
Spiritual Growth and the Scientific Quest John Polkinghorne
Towards a Theology of Spiritual Direction David Lonsdale
Spirituality and the Secular Kevin-Sin Kelly
Liberating Compassion: Spirituality for the New Millennium Francine Cardman
Mystique and Politique: Spirituality Left and Right Simon Barrow
Choice and Discernment John Costello
Information Technology: Is There a Spirit in the Machine David Eley
Spirituality and the Hymns of Charles Wesley Leslie Griffiths
What if the Soul Yearns to Laugh? Tom Hamill
Friedrich von Hugel as Spiritual Guide Ellen Leonard
A Serious Playfulness Joseph C. McLelland
The Book of Common Prayer Gordon Mursell
The Greening of Asceticism Columba Stewart
Christian Spirituality and the Scripture of Other Faiths Michael Barnes
The Biblical Prophets and Global Spirituality Patricia G. Kirkpatrick
Spirituality and Scripture--A Jewish View Jonathan Magonet
The Church and Powerlessness: An Exploration in Spirituality Austin Smith
The Word for the World John Sullivan
Christ 'my onely musick': The Spirituality of George Herbert Keith L. Yates
Letters and the Spiritual Life James V. Schall
The Western Spiritual Tradition Lucia of the Incarnation
Spirituality and the Process of Liberation Joan Toohig
The Spiritual Life as History Christopher F. Mooney
Modern Spirituality Martin D'Arcy
Spiritual Stamina James Walsh
Articles in Compass Review, a Review of Topical Theology published quarterly by the Australian Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
Reflecting on Practice in L'Arche Encountering the Grieving Other Catherine Anderson
Our Great Love Story: Spirituality of the Heart Phil Fitzgerald
Planetary Spirituality: Exploring a Christian Ecological Approach Denis Edwards
Practical Implications of Trinitarian Life for Us Denis Toohey
The Parochial Sermons and the Spirituality of John Henry Newman Daniel Ang
Mysticism and the Kingdom of God Reg Naulty
Towards a Parish Spirituality of the Word of God Michael Trainor
Draw Them with the Bonds of Love: The Practice of Heart Spirituality Barry Brundell MSC
The New Age of Holiness: Vatican II: Today and Tomorrow David Ranson
The Ministry of the Skilled Stranger: Religion and Spirituality in Public Hospital Ministry Roy J O'Neill MSC
Holy, or Saintly? Charles Hill
The Spirituality of the Heart Frank Fletcher MSC
Merton: A Modern Perspective Danny Kinnane
Contemplative Missionary Spirituality: The Way of the Heart Anthony Arthur MSC
Reflections on Spirituality and the Church Tony Kelly, CSsR
Heart Spirituality and the Lay Vocation Frank Fletcher MSC
Introducing Heart Spirituality Frank Fletcher MSC
Mysticism in the Australian environment: Calls to a new consciousness Eugene Stockton
Living in the Presence of God Kerrie Hide
Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
Spirituality and Citizenship: Sacramentality in a Parable Eric Stoddart
Mestiza Spirituality: Community, Ritual, and Justice Jeanette Rodriguez
Discernment in Catherine of Siena Diana L. Villegas
Spirit and Experience in Bernard of Clairvaux Kilian McDonnell
Spirituality and Ethics: Exploring the Connections William C. Spohn
Balthasar and Rahner on the Spiritual Senses Stephen Fields
Ecclesial Mysticism in the 'Spiritual Exercises' of Ignatius Michael J. Buckley
Writing Anxiety in Teresa's 'Interior Castle' Terrance G. Walsh
"To Be God with God": The Autotheistic Sayings of the Mystics James A. Wiseman
Spirituality in the Academy Sandra M. Schneiders
Appreciative Awareness: The Feeling-Dimension in Religious Experience J.J. Mueller
The Reasoning Heart: An American Approach to Christian Discernment William C. Spohn
Angels Black and White: Loyola's Spiritual Discernment in Historical Perspective Marjorie O'Rourke Boyle
My Suffering Is God": Meister Eckhart's Book of Divine Consolation Donald F. Duclow
Conversion: The Challenge of Contemporary Charismatic Piety Donald L. Gelpi
On "Discernment of Spirits" in the Early Church Joseph T. Lienhard
Organization of the Spiritual Life: American Catholic Devotional Works, 1791-1866 Joseph P. Chinnici
Christian Apophatic and Kataphatic Mysticism Harvey Egan
New Forms of Contemplation and of the Contemplative Life Jean Leclercq
Toward a Theology of "Speaking in Tongues" J. Massingberd Ford
Contemplation of the Gospels, Ignatius Loyola, and the Contemporary Christian David M. Stanley
Ecumenism and Spirituality: A Protestant Perspective Egon W. Gerdes
Spiritual Martyrdom in St. Gregory the Great Alfred C. Rush
"Unitas sacerdotalis": The Priesthood and Its Spirituality Walter Bedard
A Chapter in the History of Spiritual Exegesis: De Lubac's "Histoire et esprit" John L. McKenzie
The Decline of Ecstatic Prophecy in the Early Church James L. Ash, Jr.
St. Ignatius' Prison-Cage and the Existentialist Situation Walter J. Ong
Psychological Reactions Before Newman's Conversion Daniel J. Saunders
Articles in Thinking Faith, the online journal of the Jesuits in Britain
The Virtue of Asceticism Nicholas Austin SJ
Holiness and Wholeness Brendan Callaghan SJ
Call and response in St Ignatius and St Francis Brian Purfield
Thoughts on the particular piety of the poor in Latin America Nathan Stone SJ
A Spirituality of Summer Gemma Simmonds CJ
Celtic Spirituality: Just what does it mean? Liam Tracey OSM
The New Jesuit General Part Two: Has spirituality been replaced by ideology? Adolfo Nicolas SJ
Spiritual Apathy: The Forgotten Deadly Sin Abbot Christopher Jamison
How to Fail Successfully Bill MacCurtain SJ
Into the Great Silence of Beethoven Andrew Cameron-Mowat SJ
Celtic Spirituality: Just what does it mean? Liam Tracey OSM
Articles in Tyndale Bulletin, the journal of Tyndale House, Cambridge, a UK-based research institute
Spirituality in Offering a Peace Offering N. Kiuchi
Union With Christ: The Existential Nerve of Puritan Piety R. Tudur Jones
The Imitation of Christ John B. Webster
Articles in Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America
Counseling and Spiritual Direction Eugene C. Kennedy
Spiritual Direction and Non-Directive Counseling George Hagmaier
Maturity and Spirituality Augustine P. Hennessy
The Role of Creatures in the Spiritual Life Ernest L. Larkin
The spiritual theology of the separated Eastern churches Paul Mailleux
The Virtue of Obedience William H. Kane
Motives for mortification Thomas W. Coyle
Infused contemplation as the normal development of the life of grace and the virtues Aelred Graham, J. R. Gillis, Michael Griffin, Elmer O'Brien
Ascetical implications of the Mediator Dei Godfrey Diekmann
Spiritual direction in the confessional Thomas J. Riley
Podcasts from Creighton University
The Salesian Pentecost John O'Keefe and Wendy M. Wright
Augustinians Rev. Joseph Arsenault
The Spirituality of Thomas Merton Richard Hauser, S.J.
Seeking God's Will Richard Hauser, S.J.
Interfaith Spiritual Practice Sister Marie-Louise Flick
Family Spirituality Wendy M. Wright
Discernment of Spirits Richard Hauser, S.J.
Spirituality and Social Justice Joseph Nangle, OFM
Supervising Spiritual Director Training Sr. Kathleen McGalpin
Annotation 19 retreat in a parish setting Damian Zynda
Mysticism William Harmless, SJ
Vocation for All Dr. Kristina Deneve
What is a Retreat Richard Hauser, SJ
The Spiritual Exercises Sr. Marie Schwan, CSJ
The "Examen" Dennis Hamm, SJ
Spiritual Direction Sr. Liz Sweeney
Articles in HTS Theological Studies
Secular Spirituality Versus Secular Dualism: Towards Postsecular Holism as Model for a Natural Theology Cornel W. du Toit
Afrikaner Spirituality: A Complex Mixture Erna Olivier
"A House of Prayer in the Heart": How Homiletics Nurtures the Church's Spirituality Thomas H. Troeger
Spirituality and Health: A Narrative-Pastoral Approach C.J. Truter, D.J. Kotze
Beyond Psychology: Spirituality in Henri Nouwen's Pastoral Care Yolanda Dreyer
The Old Testament in Christian Spirituality: Perspectives on the Undervaluation of the Old Testament in Christian Spirituality Christo Lombaard
Articles in Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education
Twelve Spiritual Types Michael Galligan-Stierle
Sports and Spirituality in Jesuit Higher Education Mark Bandsuch, S.J.
In Deed: A Conversation on Faculty Spirituality John C. Haughey, S.J.
Articles in Word & World, a quarterly journal of theology, published by the faculty of Luther Seminary
Christian Spirituality in Light of the U.S. Hispanic Experience Alberto L. Garcia
Spirituality in Lutheran Perspective: Much to Offer, Much to Learn Lisa E. Dahill
Spirituality Speaks; Theology Listens: New Beginnings for Respectful Dialog Joan H. Timmerman
Reflections on the Devotional Life Alvin N. Rogness
Intentional Community and Spiritual Development John Schramm
Steps Toward a Modern Piety Henry E. Horn
Rethinking the Mystical: An Evangelical Perspective Michael W. Foss
Rethinking the Mystical: Thoughts from the Spiritual Sub-Basement – A Roman Catholic Perspective Hugh Feiss, O.S.B.
Spirituality and Discipline Joseph A. Sittler
Articles in SIDIC Periodical, a journal of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion
Under God's Eyes: Reverence, Ethics and Jewish Holiness Edward K. Kaplan
Icons, Rebels, Stars and Saints: Holiness in the Catholic Tradition Joan Chittister, OSB
The idea of holiness in light of Vatican II Herbert Alphonso, SJ
Holiness according to Jewish Tradition Louis Jacobs
Biblical Themes in St. Francis' Song of Brother Sun Lawrence Frizzell
The Hasidic Movement and Franciscan Spirituality - Similarities and Differences Kurt Hruby
Three Types of Jewish Piety Gershom Scholem
Spiritual and Esoteric Movements in Judaism Kurt Hruby
Knowledge of God and Love of Man: An Aspect of Christian Mysticism Francis Martin
Articles in Church Life Journal, a journal of the McGrath Institute for Church Life
Christianity and the Spirit of Joy in Chinese Sages John C. H. Wu
Juan Diego and Latino Lay Spirituality Peter Casarella
Articles in Catholica
Can We Learn Spiritual Lessons from One of the Most Irreligious Nations on Earth? Dr Andrew Thomas Kania
The Search for a Universal Philosophy or Sprituality Dr Andrew Thomas Kania
Articles from Marquette University
What is Early Jewish and Christian Mysticism? April D. DeConick
A Testimony to Christianity as Transfiguration: The Macarian Homilies and Orthodox Spirituality Alexander Golitzin
Liturgy and Mysticism: The Experience of God in Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Part I Alexander Golitzin
Liturgy and Mysticism: The Experience of God in Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Part II Alexander Golitzin
Articles in University of St. Thomas Law Journal
Factfinding as a Spiritual Discipline Hon. Joan B. Gottschall
Lessons From Suffering: How Social Justice Informs Spirituality John A. Powell
Articles from the de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture at the University of Notre Dame
Attaining the Contemplative Outlook Louise Mitchell
Spiritual Formation, Renewal and Reform: How to Secure the Spirit's Support Corinna Delkeskamp-Hayes
Holiness: Source of a Culture of Life Sister Mary Jeremiah
Articles from various sources
Positioning of "Spirituality" and "Dialogue" in the East-West Spiritual Exchanges Akihi Muto
A Jubilee of Romanian Culture and Spirituality: 440 Years Since Printing Coresi's Liturgical Book - Liturgikon Braov, 1570 Lucian Pietroaia, page 66
Spirituality Essays The Center for Ignatian Spirituality at Loyola Marymount University
Speaking In Tongues: An Orthodox Perspective Fr. George Nicozisin
Spiritual Disorientation and God's Guidance John Ackerman, page 100
Silence and Hebrew Meditation Ken A. Bryson
African Spirituality That Shapes the Concept of Ubuntu MJS Masango
Why the Devil Fell: A Lesson in Spiritual Theology From Aquinas's Summa Theologiae Jeffrey McCurry
Discipleship and the Shape of Belonging James Alison
Political Spirituality: Oxymoron or Redundancy? Owen C. Thomas
Perspectives in Spirituality Fall 2000 issue of Common Ground Journal
The Holy Spirit as Communio: Concerning the Relationship of Pneumatology and Spirituality in Augustine Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
Christian Mysticism
Spiritual Theology Jordan Aumann, O. P.
Spirituality Joint Commission Between the Roman Catholic Church and the World Methodist Council
A Mediaeval Mystic Life and Writings of Blessed John Rysbroeck
The Three Ways of the Spiritual Life Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange
Ignatian Spirituality (website)
Carmelite Spirituality
The Spirituality of the Carmelites of the Ancient Observance
Augustinian Spirituality
Lasallian Spirituality
Compassionate Love and Salesian Spirituality Alexander T. Pocetto, O.S.F.S., PH.D.
Assumptionist Spirituality
Franciscan Spirituality
Dominican Spirituality Edward Schillebeeckx, O.P.
Vincentian Spirituality Pat Collins, C.M.
Marist Spirituality
Precious Blood Spirituality
Benedictine Spirituality
The Meaning of the Contemplative Life According to Thomas Merton Fr. James Conner, OCSO
An Introduction to the Life and Spirituality of Dorothy Day James Allaire and Rosemary Broughton
Retreats Online
Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism
Spirituality Jewish thoughts, perspectives, and activities
Christian Spirituality
A Daily Spiritual Seed
Islamic Spirituality
Resisting the False Self Jeff Dietrich
Prayer Tertullian [140-230 AD] on The Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer Cyprian [140-230 AD]
Confessions Augustine
Rule of St. Benedict
Rule of St. Augustine
Rule of St. Columba
Rule of St. Francis of Assisi
The Mind's Road to God Saint Bonaventure
Revelations of Divine Love Julian of Norwich
Ascent of Mont Carmel John of the Cross
Dark Night of the Soul John of the Cross
A Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom Christ John of the Cross
The Complete Works of Saint John of the Cross, of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, volume 1
The Complete Works of Saint John of the Cross, of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, volume 2
On Loving God Bernard of Clairvaux
On Cleaving to God St. Albert the Great
A New Treatise on the Duties of a Christian towards God: Being an Improved Version of the Original Treatise Saint Jean Baptiste de La Salle
The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi
The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage; The Sparkling Stone; The Book of Supreme Truth Jan van Ruusbroec (1293-1381)
The Dialogue of the Seraphic Virgin Catherine of Siena
Spiritual Exercises Ignatius of Loyola
The Way of Perfection Teresa of Avila
Interior Castle Teresa of Avila
The Imitation of Christ Thomas Kempis
Uniformity with God's Will St. Alphonsus de Ligouri
Introduction to the Devout Life St. Francis de Sales
The Infinite Knowledge of God Cardinal Newman
God is All in All Cardinal Newman
A Short Road to Perfection Cardinal Newman
Edith Stein: Volume IV of the Collected Works