Catechism of the Catholic Church: Prayer in the Christian Life
Catechism of the Catholic Church: The Lord's Prayer
Podcasts from the Catholic Comments Podcast Archive
The Lord's Prayer Fr. Dennis Hamm
Lectio Divina Dr. Wendy Wright
Centering Prayer Thomas Hall
Articles in Compass Review, a Review of Topical Theology published quarterly by the Australian Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
Quiet Loving: The Prayer of Quiet in Teresa of Jesus Kerrie Hide
Meditation in Western Mysticism Reg Naulty
My Soul Magnifies God: Women's Ways of Prayer Kerrie Hide
Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
Images That Lead to Prayer Walter Fabri
Taize, Contemplative Prayer and the Holy Spirit Karen L. Howard
Praying with Images: Some Medieval Advice Anne Mouron
Saints, the Church and Personal Prayer Robert E. Doud
Pray Anywhere Matt Kappadakunnel
Learning to Pray Unknown monk of Montserrat
Praying Differently Dennid H. van Lier
On Preparation for Prayer Achille Gagliardi
The First Method of Prayer : Prayerful Self-Monitoring Luis Raul Cruz
Poetry and Prayer Beyond Words Graeme Watson
On Preparing Affective Movements in Prayer Diego Alvarez de Paz
Jesus and Prayer Miguel Elizondo
Images of God and Prayer Kathleen McGhee
Discovering Non-Conceptual Prayer Michael Barrow
Time and Times for Prayer Philip Sheldrake
Imagination and Prayer Philip Sheldrake
The Beginnings of Prayer Damian Lundy
Prayer and Religious Traditions of Africa I Aylward Shorter
Prayer and Religious Traditions of Africa II Aylward Shorter
Praying with the Word Joseph Plevnik
Something Understood: Prayer and Suffering Martin Israel
Growth in Prayer Ruth Burrows
John Henry Newman on Prayer Vincent Ferrer Blehl
Renewing an Ancient Christain Prayer Form: 'Centering Prayer' Basil Pennington
Prayer in Sickness Mary Arthur Knowlton
Teaching Prayer: 'Cave of Living Streams' William Hewett
The Challenge of Christian Prayer Tad Guzie
Prayer and History John Foster
The Prayer of the Creation Julien Harvey
I Cannot Pray George Croft
Oremus John Foster
The Prayer of Jesus Adalbert Hamman
The Prayer of Jeremias Julien Harvey
Tensions in Apostolic Prayer James Walsh
Retreat Prayer William Yeomans
Articles in Word & World, a quarterly journal of theology, published by the faculty of Luther Seminary
Gregory of Nyssa's Sermons on the Lord's Prayer: Lessons from the Classics Roy Hammerling
The Lord's Prayer: A Primer on Mission in the Way of Jesus Henry French
The Lord's Prayer: Empowerment for Living the Sermon on the Mount Mary E. Hinkle
Trinitarian Prayers for Christian Worship Eberhard Jungel
Prayer as Persuasion: The Rhetoric and Intention of Prayer Patrick D. Miller
Articles in SIDIC Periodical, a journal of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion
On Prayer Abraham J. Heschel
The Prayer Of Foreigners: Evidence of the Biblical Tradition Lawrence E. Frizzell
Hasidism and Prayer Louis Jacobs
Prayer Expressed in Life Mikael Tagliacozzo
Articles in Spirituality Today, a journal of the Chicago Dominican province
The Prayer of the Just One Edward J. van Merrienboer
Centering Prayer Trinitarian? Shaun McCarty
Apophatic or Kataphatic Prayer? Frederick G. McLeod
Using Scripture in Prayer and Spiritual Direction Richard M. Gula
Solitude, Truth, and Vision: Antony and the Desert Tradition of Prayer Ross Mackenzie
Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
Thmuis Revisited: Another Look at the Prayers of Bishop Sarapion G.J. Cuming
Atheism and Contemplation Michael J. Buckley
The Pater Noster as an Eschatological Prayer Raymond E. Brown
Karl Barth on Prayer John A. Hardon
Recent Theological Opinion on Infused Contemplation Robert B. Eiten
Articles in US Catholic
Lord, hear our prayer: Prayer doesn't magically heal, but it changes the people who pray for the better Teresa Coda
Sacred energies: To find your place in the world, pray with wind, fire, water, and earth Christine Valters Paintner
Prayer life: How we connect with God is as diverse as the church itself Shanna Johnson
Pray by heart: Memorizing prayers is essential to an active spiritual life Teresa Coda
Articles in Church Life Journal: A Journal of the McGrath Institute for Church Life
Prayer and the Darkness of God Denys Turner
Holiness and Prayer Lawrence S. Cunningham
The Silent Prayer of the Humble Heart Lawrence S. Cunningham
Dealing with Distractions in Prayer Charles Kestermeier, SJ
Articles from other sources
Poetry as Modern Prayer: Language's Orientation Towards One Another Benedict Reilly
Fostering Human Dignity Through Prayer Timothy Kenney
Centering Prayer and Attention of the Heart Cynthia Bourgeault
Prayer and Identity Thomas Merton
Prayer in the Life of the Priest Roch Kereszty
Prayer for Busy People: Some Insights and Advice from Francis Libermann John Fogarty, C.S.Sp., page 23
Prayer Christian W. Troll, S.J.
Christian Prayer and Song in a Post-Holocaust Church E. Byron Anderson
A Role-Taking Theory of Praying the Psalms: Using the Psalms as a Model for Structuring the Life of Prayer Robert Moore Jumonville and Robert Woods
The Kabbalah of Prayer: Deep Calling Unto Deep Jacob Immanuel Schochet
On Prayer Archbishop Stylianos of Australia
St. Teresa's Teaching on the Grades of Prayer Jordan Aumann, O.P.
Prayer as Encounter with the Transcendent God Ernest E. Larkin
Tertullian on Prayer O. W. Holmes
Bread or Stone: Four Conferences on Impetrative Prayer Fr. Ronald Knox
Prayer Jewish Encyclopedia
The Lord's Prayer Jewish Encyclopedia
On Prayer and The Contemplative Life Saint Thomas Aquinas
Byzantine Catholic Prayer Page
Augustine on Prayer
A Treatise on Prayer and Meditation St. Peter of Alcantara
The Necessity and Power of Prayer St. Alphonsus Ligouri
The Prayer of the Church Edith Stein, Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network
Popular Devotions
Centering Prayer Minnesota Contemplative Outreach
Prayer Catechism of the Council of Trent
Prayer Baltimore Catechism
Prayer Catechism of Pius X
Teaching Materials Malta Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Prayer: A Personal Response to God's Presence Armand M. Nigro, S.J
Praying the Bible Fr Tommy Lane, LSS, DD
Sacred Space Daily Prayer On-line
Christian Mysticism
Contemplative Outreach
Teachings on Prayer
St. Teresa's Teaching on the Grades of Prayer Jordan Aumann, OP
Posture and Prayer Frank C. Quinn OP
Lectio Divina
Prayer Loyola Press
Prayers Catholic Online
Prayers to Our Lady of Guadalupe
Thomas Merton's Prayer
Prayers to the Angels of God
Daily Prayers Legion of Mary
The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Paratrooper Prayers Lew Poorman
Veterans Prayers Lew Poorman
Prayers for Rural Families