From New Advent:
The Apology --
On Idolatry --
De Spectaculis (The Shows) --
De Corona (The Chaplet) --
To Scapula --
Ad Nationes --
(A Fragment) --
An Answer to the Jews --
The Soul's Testimony --
A Treatise on the Soul --
The Prescription Against Heretics --
Against Marcion --
Against Hermogenes --
Against the Valentinians --
On the Flesh of Christ --
On the Resurrection of the Flesh --
Against Praxeas --
Scorpiace --
Appendix (Against All Heresies) --
On Repentance --
On Baptism --
On Prayer --
Ad Martyras --
The Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicity (Sometimes attributed to Tertullian) --
Of Patience --
On the Pallium --
On the Apparel of Women --
On the Veiling of Virgins --
To His Wife --
On Exhortation to Chastity --
On Monogamy --
On Modesty --
On Fasting --
De Fuga in Persecutione
From the Logos Virtual Library: --
Apology --
Of Idolatry --
Of Spectacles --
Of the Soldier's Crown --
To Scapula
From Cooperatorum Veritatis Societas:
Tertullian in Latin, Italian, English, French, German, Portugese, Russian
From the Christian Classics Ethereal Library: --
Apology --
On Idolatry --
The Shows, or De Spectaculis --
The Chaplet, or De Corona --
To Scapula --
Ad Nationes --
An Answer to the Jews --
The Soul's Testimony --
A Treatise on the Soul --
The Prescription Against Heretics --
The Five Books Against Marcion --
Against Hermogenes --
Against the Valentinians --
On the Flesh of Christ --
On the Resurrection of the Flesh --
Against Praxeas --
Scorpiace --
Appendix: Against All Heresies --
On Repentance --
On Baptism --
On Prayer --
Ad Martyras --
The Passion of the Holy Martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas --
On Patience --
On the Pallium --
On the Apparel of Women --
On the Veiling of Virgins --
To His Wife --
On Exhortation to Chastity --
On Monogamy --
On Modesty --
On Fasting --
De Fuga in Persecutione --
A Strain of Jonah the Prophet --
A Strain of Sodom --
Genesis --
A Strain of the Judgment of the Lord --
Five Books in Reply to Marcion
From The Tertullian Project: --
To the martyrs --
To the nations --
To Scapula --
To my wife --
Against Hermogenes --
Against the Jews --
Against Marcion --
Against Praxeas --
Against the Valentinians --
The Apology --
On the soul --
On baptism --
On the flesh of Christ --
On the military garland --
On female fashion --
An exhortation to chastity --
On running away from persecution --
On idolatry --
On fasting, against the materialistic --
On marrying only once --
On prayer --
On repentance --
On the philosopher's cloak --
On patience --
On the prescription of heretics --
On modesty --
On the resurrection of the body --
On the games --
On the testimony of the soul --
On the veiling of virgins --
Antidote to the scorpion's sting --
Lost Works --
Spurious Works
From Early Christian Writings: -- --
Tertullian --
Apology --
Against Marcion --
Against the Valentinians --
On Baptism --
On the Incarnation --
On Prayer --
Against Praxeas --
The Tertullian Project