Introduction to the Book of Revelation New American Bible
The Book of Revelation, Apocalyptic Literature, and Millennial Movements Prof. Felix Just, S.J.
Revelation: Introduction to the NIV Study Bible
Articles in Tyndale Bulletin, the journal of Tyndale House, Cambridge, a UK-based research institute
'Behold, I am Coming': The Use of Zechariah in Revelation Marko Jauhiainen
Antithetical Feminine-Urban Imagery and a Tale of Two Women-Cities in the Book of Revelation Gordon Campbell
APOKALYPSIS INSOY XRISTOY (Rev. 1:1): The Climax of John's 99 Prophecy? Marko Jauhiainen
The Place of the Apocalypse in the Canon of St. Gregory Nazianzen Frank Thielman
The Political Thought of the Book of Revelation Oliver O'Donovan
The Danielic Background for Revelation 13:18 and 17:9 Gregory K. Beale
The Language of the Apocalypse C. G. Ozanne
The Lukewarmness of Laodicea M. J. S. Rudwick
Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
An Allusion to Mary in the Apocalypse Roland E. Murphy
The Role of Memory in the Making of the Apocalypse Paul Gaetcher
Semitic Literary Forms in the Apocalypse and their Import Paul Gaetcher
Articles in HTS Theological Studies
Defining the Situation in Revelation: John's Intention and Action-Lines H. Theunissen
The Role of Composition in the Interpretation of the Rider on the White Horse and the Seven Seals in Revelation Pieter G.R. de Villiers
Reconsidering Prepositions and Case Assignment in the Text of Revelation 4 and 5 S.J.P.K. Riekert
Articles in Word & World, a quarterly journal of theology, published by the faculty of Luther Seminary
On the Verge of the Millennium: A History of the Interpretation of Revelation Craig R. Koester
The Book of Revelation in Africa Fidon R. Mwombeki
Albrecht Dürer's New Jerusalem: Revelation 21-22 Robert H. Smith
The Book of Revelation in the Parish Richard L. Jeske
Interpreting the Book of Revelation Lowell J. Satre
The Distant Triumph Song: Music and the Book of Revelation Craig R. Koester
Universalism in the Apocalypse Walter E. Pilgrim
God's Song of Revelation: From Easter to Pentecost in the Apocalypse Wendell W. Frerichs
Articles in Church Life Journal, a journal of the McGrath Institute for Church Life
The Christian's Mission to Birth Christ Jean-Paul Juge
Liturgy and Slaughter in the Book of Revelation Francesca A. Murphy
Articles from Verbum et Ecclesia, an international, South African open-access, peer reviewed and accredited, online journal
Narrative-Critical Approach as Hermeneutical Framework for a Creative Dialogue between Biblical Sources and Secular Extra-Biblical Sources: The Lord of the Rings as an Entry into the Book of Revelation R. Meylahn
The Ethos of the Book of Revelation J A du Rand, Y M Song
Articles in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
An Exegetical Basis for a Preterist-Idealist Understanding of the Book of Revelation John Noe
The Relationship between the Seal;s, Trumpets, and Bowls in the Book of revelation Dale Ralph David
Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
Reading the Apocalypse Christopher Rowland
Revelation: Mirror of our Passion, Goal of our Longing Christopher Rowland
Articles in the Religion Online website
The Study of The Revelation Richard Heard
The Revelation of John Richard Heard
The Revelation William Barclay
The Book of Revelation Robert M. Grant
Articles from other sources
The Book of Revelation: Six homilies for Easter Peter Edmonds SJ
Interpreting the Book of Revelation Simon Stevens
The Book of Revelation and Discourse Analysis Fr. Andreas Hock
Hierarchy, Prophecy, and the Angelomorphic Spirit: A Contribution to the Study of the Book of Revelation's Wirkungsgeschichte Bogdan G. Bucur
The Man Behind the Iron Mask: Marx and St. John on Repetition, Revelation and Revolution Joshua Nichols
Sumptuous Clothing and Ornamentation in the Apocalypse Dietmar Neufeld
The "Last Things" in the Revelation of St. John Bishop Gerasimos of Abydos
The Revelation To John: A Challenge and a Message of Hope! Mary Travers
The Apocalypse of St. John: A Commentary on the Greek Version James J.L. Ratton
Apocalypse The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1907
Book of Revelation Jewish Encyclopedia
Commentary on the Apocalypse St. Victorinus
Towards an Ethical Reading of The Apocalypse: Reflections on John's Use of Power, Violence, and Misogyny David L. Barr
"Using Plot to Discern Structure in John's Apocalypse" David L. Barr
Why The Laodiceans Received Lukewarm Water (Revelation 3:15-18) Stanley Porter
'Our Lord and God' in Rev 4,11: Evidence for the Late Date of Revelation? Floyd O. Parker, Jr.
Revelation 4:11; 5:9, 10, 12 Pope John Paul II
Revelation 4:11; 5:9, 10, 12 Pope John Paul II
The Opening of the Seals (Rev 6,1--8,6) Jan Lambrecht, S.J.
These Are the Ones -- (Rev 7) Rob Dalrymple
Revelation 11:17-18; 12:10b-12a Pope John Paul II
Revelation 11:17-18; 12:10b-12a Pope John Paul II
Revelation 12: Female Figures and Figures of Evil Joy A. Schroeder
The Conqueror Motif in Chapters 12-13: A Heavenly and an Earthly Perspective in the Book of Revelation EC Shin
Cardinal Newman and Apocalypse XII Dominic J. Unger
The Mark of the Beast, Revelation 13:16 Edwin A. Judge
Revelation 15:3-4 Pope John Paul II
Revelation 15:3-4 Pope Benedict XVI
Just a Whore: The Annihilation of Babylon According to Revelation 17:16 Caroline Vander Stichele
The Lord of Lords: Bridegroom or Warrior ? The Divine Sovereignty of Revelation 19:6-16 Stacy L. Otto
Revelation 19:1-7 Pope John Paul II
Revelation 19:1-7 Pope John Paul II
The Original Sequence of Apocalypse 20-22 Paul Gaetcher
Final Judgments and Ultimate Blessings: The Climactic Visions of Revelation 20,11--21,8 Jan Lambrecht, S.J.
The Destiny of the Nations in Revelation 21:1--22:5: A Reconsideration Dave Mathewson
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