Rite Of Christian Initiation of Adults United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Canon Law Canons 788 and 789 on the RCIA
Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
Storytelling in the RCIA process Janet K. Ruffing
Concentrating the Mind: The Role of Ritual in RCIA Kevin Donovan
What Kind of Church Does the Rite Want James B. Dunning
In the Midst of the Community: Mission and Ministry Mary Dowd
A Lost Opportunity: Mystagogy in the RCIA David Regan
Mission through the RCIA Marion Morgan
Articles from other sources
Mystagogy and the Synoptic Gospels James Crampsey
The RCIA Process Vickie Shepherd
A New Look at the RCIA Rita Burns Senseman
Baptism Reformed as End of Rich Process Dawn Gibeau
A Paradigm for Christian Living: The Catechumenate Richard E. Trutter, OP
The Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism
--- Confirmation
--- Eucharist
The Sacraments of Initiation and Christian Life Frank C. Quinn, OP
Liturgical Information for Easter Vigil ---
Year A ---
Year B ---
Year C
Images by Thomas Scharbach
Association for Catechumenal Ministry
The Easter Vigil is Complete -- What Now for Neophytes? Father Paul Turner
The Awe-Inspiring Mysteries: The Importance of Mystagogy Brandon P. Otto