The Mass

Vatican II: Constitution on the Liturgy See Chapter 2: The Most Sacred Mystery of the Eucharist
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship
Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Liturgical Celebration of the Eucharist
Instruction concerning worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship

Podcasts of presentations by Roc O'Connor, S.J.
The Gathering Rites | The Liturgy of the Word | The Liturgy of the Eucharist | Communion and Dismissal

The Mass for Millennials from Church Life Journal, University of Notre Dame
Entrance Song | Sign of the Cross | Penitential Act | Glory to God | Opening Prayer | The Liturgy of the Word | The Responsorial Psalm | The Gospel | The Homily | the Creed | Prayer of the Faithful | Presentation of the Offerings | Prayer Over the Offering | It is Right and Just | The Sanctus | The Roman Canon | Eucharistic Prayer | Communion Rite | Doxology and Amen | The Eucharistic Prayer | The Our Father | Sign of Peace | Lamb of God | "Lord, I am not worthy. . ." | Holy Communion | The Communion Hymn | Prayers After Communion | the Solemn Blessing | Recessional Hymn

Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
"The Mass that Takes Its Time" Jean-Marc Furnon
Intercessions of the Community: The Role of the New Petitionary Prayers in the Liturgy Edward Matthews
Sacrifice and Sacrament Clifford Howell
Open Wide Your Hearts, Beginning with the Mass John Zupez

Articles in American Catholic Press
Standing During Communion Father Michael Gilligan
Ways of Worship, East and West Father Michael Gilligan
The World We Live In Bishop Wilton Gregory
Concluding Doxology of the Roman Canon Joseph Jungmann, S.J.

Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
The Frequency of Mass in the Latin Church ca. 400 Daniel Callam
The Anaphora of the Apostles: Implications of the Mar Esa 'ya Text Emmanuel J. Cutrone
Christ's Action in the Mass Joseph H. Crehan
Two Views of the Mass: Medieval Linguistic Ambiguities Anthony A. Stephenson
The Mass Server and Canon 29 John J. Reed
Recent Research on the Mass: Mohlberg's Leonine Sacramentary and Other Items Gerald Ellard
The Johannine Sacramentary Bruce Vawter
Mass without a Server Gerald Kelly
Interpolated Amen's in the Canon of the Mass Gerald Ellard
The Odyssey of a Familiar Prayer Gerald Ellard
The Elevation of the Host: A Reaction to Twelfth Century Heresy Gerard G. Grant

Articles in Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America
The One Fruit or the Many Fruits of the Mass Edward J. Kilmartin
On the Essence of the Sacrifice of the Mass Emmanuel Doronzo

Articles from other sources
The Mass Is Still With Us Even Under Quarantine Timothy O'Malley
Diminishing Mass Attendance: A Pressing Ecclesial Concern Daniel Ang
Meditations Before Mass Romano Guardini
The Mass: A Study of the Roman Liturgy Adrian Fortescue
Sacrifice of the Mass Catholic Encyclopedia, 1911
The Council of Trent on the Mass

Mass Times Database of the Mass Times for all the Catholic churches in the United States
The Sunday Mass Watch the Mass. Prayer Guide. Prayer Intentions
Selections from the Assyrian Liturgy
The Coptic Liturgy of St. Basil
The Divine Liturgy of St. James
The Divine Liturgy of St. Mark
The Liturgy of the Blessed Apostles
Biblical Texts related to Catholic Liturgy Prof. Felix Just, S.J.
The Roman Catholic Lectionary for Mass Prof. Felix Just, S.J.

Broken links? Suggestions?

Email webmaster Gerald Darring