Social Justice in the Catechism of the Catholic Church
A Guide prepared by Gerald Darring
the social doctrine of the Church -- 2419-2425
the communal character of the human vocation -- 1878-1885
concern to develop this earth -- 1049
the virtue of justice -- 1807
conversion and society -- 1886-1889
the common good -- 1905-1912
responsibility and participation -- 1913-1917
human solidarity -- 1939-1942
the family and society -- 2207-2213
respect for human life -- 2259-2283
respect for the human person -- 1929-1933
respect for the dignity of persons -- 2284-2301
respect for persons and their goods -- 2407-2418
equality of men and women -- 369
equality and differences among people -- 1934-1938
stewardship of the earth -- 373
economic activity and social justice -- 2426-2436
universal destination and private ownership of goods -- 2402-2406
Jesus and the poor -- 544
the Eucharist commits us to the poor -- 1397
love for the poor -- 2443-2449
poverty of heart -- 2544-2547
hunger -- 2831
authority in human society -- 1897-1904
duties of civil authorities -- 2235-2237
duties of citizens -- 2238-2243
the political community and the Church -- 2244-2246
safeguarding peace -- 2302-2317
justice and solidarity among nations -- 2437-2442