Code of Canon Law
Code of Canon Law IntraText version
Code of canons of Oriental Churchs IntraText version
Sacrae Disciplinae Leges Apostolic Constitution of Pope John Paul II
Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts
Law in the Life of the Church New Zealand bishops
Canon Law Society of America
Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
Canon Law and the Constitutions of Religious Congregations Barbara L. Thomas
Temporal Administration in the New Code Clarence Gallagher
Canon Law and Ecclesiology I Clarence Gallagher
Canon Law and Ecclesiology II Clarence Gallagher
Law in the Church: Theological Reflections Ladislas Orsy
Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
The Revised Code of Canon Law: Some Theological Issues Thomas J. Green
Church and Church Law William H. Onclin
The Laity in Church Law John J. Reed
Permission to Read Prohibited Books John J. Reed
Notes on Canon Law Adam C. Ellis
Double Vasectomy and Marital Impotence Edward H. Nowlan
Arduum Sane Munus: A Retrospect James E. Risk
The Convalidation of Non-Catholic Marriages William E. Donnelly
Current Moral Theology and Canon Law John C. Ford
Canon Law (Some Canonical Terms Dealing With Temporalities--Bona Temporalis) Adam C. Ellis, SJ
Recent Canon Law and Moral Theology: Some Important Items Editors of Theological Studies
Articles from other sources
The Canons of the Church and their ecclesiastical function: some remarks Constantin Rus
Canonical Remedies in the Medieval Marriage Law: The Contributions of Legal Practice R.H. Helmholz
The Parish See articles 26-27 of Pope John Paul II's 1988 Apostolic Exhortation "Christifideles Laici"
Called to Global Solidarity: International Challenges for U.S. Parishes National Conference of Catholic Bishops
Parishes Online
Parish Registry System
Parish Pastoral Councils Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
Spirituality and the Parish Kevin T. Kelly
Parish Ministry Michael M. Winter
Formation in the Parish: Some Tentative Suggestions Michael Hollings
Articles in the Common Ground Journal
Building a Healthy Congregational Culture in Today's Postmodern World Peter T. Cha
Reflections upon Theological Reflection: How One Pastor Processed Ministry Daryl Busby
Renovating the Pastoral Office Daryl Busby
Articles in the National Catholic Reporter
Priestless Parishes Are Only Beginning of Story Tim Unsworth
For Average Christian, Parish Isn't True Home Mitch Finley
Articles from other sources
Reflective-Generative Practice: A Framework for Congregation-Based Social Services Mark M. McCormack
Building Caring Communities: Whose task? Rt Hon John Battle MP
The Modern Urban Parish: Challenges and Opportunities Paul Monkerud
Seven Secrets of Successful Parishioners Paul Wilkes
What is a Parishioner? Joseph H. Fichter
Catholic dioceses all around the world
Catholic Dioceses in the United States
US Catholic Dioceses
Vatican II: Dogmatic Constitution on the Church See Chapter 3: The Hierarchical Structure of the Church, with Special Reference to the Episcopate
Vatican I: First Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ
Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
The definitive exercise of teaching authority Francis A. Sullivan
Why ecclesial structures at the regional level matter: communion as mutual inclusion Will Cohen
Provincial councils and the choosing of priests for appointment as bishops Francis A. Sullivan
The Roman Curia at and after Vatican II: legal-rational or theological reform? Massimo Faggioli
When Magisterium Becomes Imperium: Peter Damian on the Accountability of Bishops for Scandal C. Colt Anderson
Divine Grace and Human Nature as Sources for the Universal Magisterium of Bishops Thomas F. O'Meara
Divine Grace and Human Nature as Sources for the Universal Magisterium of Bishops Thomas F. O'Meara
The Teaching Authority of Episcopal Conferences Francis A. Sullivan
Walter Kasper on the Theology and the Praxis of the Bishop's Office Kilian McDonnell
The "Secondary Object" of Infallibility Francis A. Sullivan
Papal Primacy in Contemporary Roman Catholic Theology John P. Galvin
Collegiality: An Essay toward Better Understanding Charles M. Murphy
Episcopal Collegiality and Papal Primacy in the Pre-Vatican I American Church Paul K. Hennessy
Episkope and Episkopos: The New Testament Evidence Raymond E. Brown
The Jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome J. M. R. Tillard
Episcopal Elections in Cyprian: Clerical and Lay Participation Patrick Granfield
Episcopacy and Apostolic Succession according to Hincmar of Reims George H. Tavard
Sacerdotium et Imperium: The Constantinian Renovatio According to the Greek Fathers Michael Azkoul
Bishops, Presbyters, and Priest in Ignatius of Antioch James F. McCue
The New Testament Basis for the Concept of Collegiality David M. Stanley
The Typology of Episcopal Consecration Joseph H. Crehan
St. Irenaeus and the Roman Primacy Dominic J. Unger
Some Limits and Causes of the Centralization of the Church E. A. Ryan
Little-known Testimonies to Peter's Primacy Alfred C. Rush
A Synthesis of The Diocesan Faculties in the United States J. Donald Clark and Joseph M. Snee
History and the Hierarchy William J. McGarry
Articles in Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America
Bishops as Learners: Listening to the Laity Susan Mader Brown
Bishops and Structures of Accountability: An Ecclesiological Perspective Susan K. Wood, S.C.L.
Bishops and Structures of Accountability: An Ethical Perspective Cynthia Crysdale
Bishops, Ministry, and the Unity of the Church in Ecumenical Dialogue: Deadlock, Breakthrough or Both? Michael Root
The Petrine Office in the New Testament Myles M. Bourke
Conciliarism and the Papacy Robert E. McNally
Collegiality and the Petrine Office in the pastoral mission of the Church Remi J. De Roo
Primacy in collegiality Eugene I. Van Antwerp
Episcopacy and Primacy Charles H. Henkey
Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
Von Balthasar and the Office of Peter in the Church John McDade
A Magisterium of Authority and Service Theodore Davey
God's Appointment: Finding the Right Pope Peter Hebblethwaite
The Papacy I Edward Yarnold
The Papacy II Edward Yarnold
The Papacy III Edward Yarnold
Articles in National Catholic Reporter
If Bishops Represent Anyone It's Jesus, Not Pope Richard McBrien
24 Popes, Some Good, in Years Leading Up to First Millennium Joseph Gallagher
God-with-us Calls for New Type of Papacy: Church Now Viewed as Community of Equals Bernard Cooke
Papal Pomp Contrasts with Simplicity of Jesus Bernard Cooke
Renewal of Papacy Will Transform the Church Bernard Cooke
Today's Sinners in Eyes of the Vatican May Very Well Be Tomorrow's Saints Dawn Gibeau
The Bishop: Local Leader or Middle Man? Andrew M. Greeley
'Secret' Criteria Set Bishops' Appointments Peter Hebblethwaite
Medieval Papal Shenanigans Remind Us How Lucky We Are Richard P. McBrien
Raised-Catholics Know What's What, What's Not - Papal Authority Thomas E. Blackburn
The Church Once Looked Suspiciously Democratic Andrew M. Greeley
The Vatican Takes over European Bishops: Secretariat Remade, Removed to Rome Peter Hebblethwaite
Ratzinger Comments on Changing Papacy Peter Hebblethwaite
Articles in Compass Review, a review of topical theology published quarterly by the Australian Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
Pope Benedict and Peter's Proclamation Gerald O'Collins SJ
A Papacy Communicated: Pope John Paul II Gerard Kelly
Articles in America
Papal Transition Thomas J. Reese, S.J.
Avery Dulles & Ladislas Orsy in Dialogue Avery Dulles, SJ, and Ladislas Orsy, SJ
The Papacy for an Ecumenical Age: A Response to Avery Dulles Ladislas Orsy, SJ
Articles from the Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research
Papal Power Paul Collins, Harper Collins
Leadership: Secular Gift Transformed by Revelation Carroll Stuhlmueller
Articles from the Berkeley Forum at Georgetown University
The 'Incomplete Thought': An Effective Way to Church Reforms? Roberto Catalano
A New Culture of Catholic Leadership Is Emerging Kim Smolik
Catholic Clericalism as Patronage Network David Cloutier
Contending with a Corrosive Ecclesial Culture: An Ecclesiological Analysis Gerard Mannion
Cult of Clericalism Stephen Schneck
Organizational Structure Can Fuel Clergy Sexual Abuse Len Sperry
Articles from other sources
You Are Peter: A Critical Analysis of the Orthodox View of Papal Primacy in View of an Alternative Way of Exercising Papal Primacy Vitalis Mshanga
Institutional Authority Dr Andrew Thomas Kania
The Contextualization Debate: What About Leadership? Marcus Dean, page 38
Reforming the Vatican: What the Church Can Learn from Other Institutions Thomas J. Reese
Primacy and Collegiality in the Works of Joseph Ratzinger Richard G. DeClue
Bishops: Transmit Faithfulness to God's Primacy and Will Pope Benedict XVI
The Political Significance of the Papacy, Historically and in the Present Period Anthony Mansueto
Style or Substance: Does the Reputation of the Church Matter? David McIlroy
Abortion, Bishops, Eucharist, and Politicians: A Question of Communion Gregory C. Sisk and Charles J. Reid, Jr., pages 263-268
Current Perspectives on Petrine Ministry and Papal Primacy Denis Fortin
Bishops: Pastors or Agents of Globalization? Fr. Francesco Pierli
The Future of the Papacy: A Symposium Russell Hittinger, Midge Decter, Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ, et al.
Universi Dominici Gregis Pope John Paul II on vacancy of the Holy See and the election of the pope
The Petrine Ministry in a Changing Church Hermann J. Pottmeyer
Magisterium Exercises Authority in Christ's Name Pope John Paul II
In the Service of Unity New Zealand bishops
The Selection of Bishops Thomas Reese, S.J.
The Church: Learning and Teaching Ladislas Örsy, SJ
Papal Primacy Rev. Emmanuel Clapsis
Unity, Plurality, and the Papacy Hans Urs von Balthasar
The Pope George Joyce
Ubi Primum (On The Duties Of Bishops) Pope Benedict XIV, 1740
On the Primacy of the Pope Boniface VIII: Unam Sanctam, 1302
History and Art in the coats of arms of the Popes
College of Cardinals
Pope Francis Vatican website
The Complete List of Popes
The Vatican Theology Library links
Vatican II: Decree on the Eastern Catholic Churches
Pope John Paul II: Orientale Lumen Apostolic Letter to the Eastern Churches
Pope Pius XII: On the Reunion of the Ruthenian Church with Rome
Pope Pius IX: On the Care of the Churches Encyclical of 8 Apr 1862
Eastern Catholic Churches in the U.S.
The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Eastern Byzantine Rite
Syro-Malabar Catholic Church
The Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic
East Syrian Rite 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia
Conciliarism John Challenor
So What If You're Eastern Maronite Catholic? Margaret Ghosn MSHF
Eastern Christians in Australia since Vatican II Lawrence Cross
After Authority Patrick McKinley Brennan
Presidential address [on authority and leadership in the Church] Richard A. McCormick