Holy Orders

The Sacrament of Holy Orders Catechism of the Catholic Church

Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
The Ministerial Priesthood and Liturgical Anamnesis in the Thought of Edward J. Kilmartin, S.J. Edward P. Hahnenberg
The Sacramentality of Episcopal Consecration Susan Wood
Priesthood, Ministry, and Religious Life: Some Historical and Historiographical Considerations John W. O'Malley
Toward a Theology of Priesthood William H. Dodd

Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
Ministerial Priesthood Paul Lakeland
What is a Priest? Walter J. Burghardt

Articles in Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America
Priesthood and Ministry from the New Testament to Nicea Carl J. Armbruster
The Concept of the Validity in Ministry Joseph M. Powers
The Permanence of the Ministry Christopher Kiesling
The apostolic constitution Sacramentum ordinis Francis J. Connell

A Commission on the Greek Ordinal in the Seventeenth Century F. A. Gasquet, O. S. B. Scroll to page 625

St. Thomas Aquinas: The Summa Theologica on Holy Orders -
  • The sacrament of Order as to its essence and its parts
  • The effect of this sacrament
  • The qualities required of those who receive this sacrament
  • The distinction of Orders, of their acts, and the imprinting of the character
  • Those who confer this sacrament
  • The impediments to this sacrament
  • The things annexed to the sacrament of Order

    The Sacrament of Holy Orders

    The Ordination of Women

    Graphic compliments of St. Sabrina Parish, Florissant, MO

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