Gaudium et Spes On the webpage of Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Gaudium et Spes On the Vatican website

Items by Gerald Darring
Gaudium et Spes: Summary Article | | Gaudium et Spes: Critical Comments | | Gaudium et Spes: Bibliography

Articles by David Cruz-Uribe in Vox Nova
Reading Gaudium et Spes, Part I | | Reading Gaudium et Spes, Part II
Reading Gaudium et Spes, Part III | | Reading Gaudium et Spes, Part IV

An Anthropology of Gaudium et Spes Francis Etheredge
An Anthropology of Gaudium et Spes, Part 2 Francis Etheredge

Return of the golden calf: economy, idolatry, and secularization since Gaudium et spes William T. Cavanaugh

Impact of Gaudium et Spes on the Church in Southern Africa Cardinal Wilfrid Napier, O.F.M.

Aggiornamento and Dialogue: Some Ambiguity from Gaudium et Spes Luke Briola

More Being: The Emergence of Teilhard de Chardin John F. Haught

Pope John Paul II and the Christ-centered Anthropology of Gaudium et Spes Douglas Bushman

Dialogue and the spirit of Vatican II: reading Gaudium et spes fifty years later Dugan McGinley

Protestant Free Church Christians and Gaudium et Spes: a historical and philosophical perspective Michael D. Beaty, Douglas V. Henry, Scott H. Moore

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