Environmental Justice
"The entire material universe speaks of God's love, his boundless affection for us. Soil, water, mountains: everything is, as it were, a caress of God."

Pope Francis,
Laudato Si



Laudato Si Pope Francis
If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation Pope Benedict XVI
Peace with God the Creator, Peace with all of Creation Pope John Paul II
Common Declaration on Environmental Ethics Pope John Paul II and Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople
Global Climate Change: A Plea for Dialogue, Prudence, and the Common Good U.S. Catholic Bishops
Companions in Creation Catholic bishops of Florida
Celebrate Life: Care for Creation Alberta bishops
Columbia River Pastoral Letter Project Catholic bishops of the Northwest and Canada
And God Saw That It Was Good Bishops of the Boston Province
At Home in the Web of Life: A Pastoral Message on Sustainable Communities in Appalachia Catholic Bishops of Appalachia
Our Relationship with the Environment: The Need for Conversion Commission for Social Affairs, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
You Love All That Exists Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Building a New Culture: Central Themes in Recent Church Teaching on the Environment Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
A New Earth: An Environmental Challenge Australian Bishops Conference
What is Happening to Our Beautiful Land? Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines
The Call of Creation: God's Invitation and the Human Response Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales
Environmental Engagement in Mainline Protestant Denominations and Orthodox Communions
A Common Declaration on the Environment International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee
Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope and Justice Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Environmental Racism in the US United Methodist Church


Articles from the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
Water and the Environment
Climate Change, Health of the Planet and Future of Humanity
Actualizing the Vision of Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home
Climate Change and the Common Good

Articles in Thinking Faith, the online journal of the Jesuits in Britain
How the world will come to an end – or how we can save ourselves and our common home Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator SJ
Co-creators of a better world Cardinal Michael Czerny SJ
‘The fragile world’: Church teaching on ecology before and by Pope Francis Donal Dorr
Merging Worlds: Slime Moulds, the Environment and Human Dignity Mary Colwell
The Place of Humanity in Creation Martin Poulsom
Judaic Models of Social Transformation Jonathan Gorsky
Aspects of Environmental Ethics: An Islamic Perspective Mohammad Shomali
Passenger Pigeons and Polar Bears: The Ethics of Global Warming Margaret Atkins OSA
Aspects of Environmental Ethics: An Islamic Perspective Mohammad Shomali
Coping With Insecurity, Uncertainty and Risk Helen Freeman
Passenger Pigeons and Polar Bears: The Ethics of Global Warming Margaret Atkins

Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
Ten Rules for Ecological Discernment Walter Ceyssens
Prayer and Ecology André Louf
Ecology and the Spiritual Exercises Trileigh Tucker
Mysticism and Ecology: Ignatian Contemplation and Participation Philip Shano
Creatures and the Soil Community: The Peaceable Kingdom Edward P. Echlin
Ecology's Appeal to Theology Anne Primavesi
A Way in the Wilderness: Men and the Environment David Douglas
Holy Spirit: Renew the Whole Creation Ellen-Come Leonard
The Greening of Asceticism Columba Stewart
A Green Theology? Theology and Ecology Denis Carroll
Reverencing the Earth in the Australian Dreaming Frank Brennan
Reverencing the Earth in the Australian Dreaming Miriam Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann

Articles in National Catholic Reporter
Why Does Laudato Si' Matter? Impact of Encyclical Strengthens Hope Thomas Reese
Connecting Religion and Climate Change: Reverence for Life Underlies Catholic Case for Environment Tom Roberts
Artists Leave Studios for Ecological Activism Michael J. Farrell

Articles in the Journal of Ecumenical Studies
Lectionary Selections and Ecological Concerns: A Contribution to Dialogue Regina A. Boisclair
People of Place, Ethics of Earth: Indigenous Nations, Interfaith Dialogue, and Environmental sustainability Ann Marie B. Bahr
Common Ground and Common Skies: Natural Law and Ecological Responsibility William French
A Common Creation Story? Interreligious Dialogue and Ecology Paul F. Knitter

Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
Creation as an Ecumenical Problem: Renewed Belief Through Green Experience Thomas Hughson
Environmental Ethics Daniel Cowdin
Valuing Earth Intrinsically and Instrumentally: A Theological Framework for Environmental Ethics Jame Schaefer
Is Creation Eternal? Ilia Delio
Jonathan Edwards on Beauty, Desire, and the Sensory World Belden C. Lane
The Ecological Significance of God-Language Denis Edwards
Ecology, Justice, and Development Drew Christiansen
The Common Good: An Ethical Framework for Evaluating Environmental Issues Merle Longwood
Nature and Its Transformations Patrick A. Heelan

Articles in Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture
Thomism and the Challenge of Integral Ecology. David Paul Deavel
Cosmology and Creation: From Hawking to Aquinas in Memory of Jozef Zycinski William E. Carroll
Beholding the Logos: The Church, the Environment, and the Meaning of Man Christopher J. Thompson

Articles in the US Catholic
Choose Life: The Environmental Edition: It's Not Easy Being Green, But This Moral Theologian Says the Catholic Faith Calls Us to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle David Cloutier
Go Big Green Katie Bahr

Articles in Cross Currents
Deconstructing Eschatological Violence Against Ecology: Planting Images Of Ecological Justice Ilsup Ahn
"Love for the Paradise Mystery": Thomas Merton: Contemplative Ecologist Kathleen Deignan
Ecofeminism: a Latin American Perspective Ivone Gebara

Articles in Compass Review, a Review of Topical Theology published quarterly by the Australian Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
The Human Face of Climate Change Maria Tiimon
Australian Religious Response to Climate Change Bishop George Browning
Wrestling with Holiness: Sharing in the Travail of Creation Henry L. Novello
Conscience and the Ecological Crisis Neil Brown
The Earth Charter and the Catholic Church in Australia Brendan Mackey
Earth and spirit: A Spirituality for Our Times Neil Brown
Planting Seeds for the Future: Building a Life-Sustaining Society Sandra Menteith

Articles in Working Notes, a journal published by the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice
Reflections on Ireland's Response to Potentially Irreversible Climate Change Dr Thomas Muinzer
Justice in the Global Economy: What It Means for Earth-Care Catherine Devitt
Climate Change and Population Displacement Catherine Devitt

Articles from the Berkeley Forum at Georgetown University
The Crisis of Planetary Health: Reflections from the World Religions Mary Evelyn Tucker & John Grim
A Climate Grief, Observed: Transforming Our Ecologies and Theologies of Magical Thinking Jacob J. Erickson
Caring for Creation: Ancient Wisdom in Time of Crisis Hava Tirosh-Samuelson
Lessons from Islamic Environmentalism: Interconnection, Structural Change, and the Limitations of Religious Environmentalism Rosemary Hancock
The Convergence of Religious, Economic, and Political Fundamentalisms Undermines God’s Creation in the Amazon Rudelmar Bueno de Faria
The Fires of Amazonia Drew Christiansen
Responding to Climate Change: Intergenerational Justice and the Universal Common Good Thomas Banchoff
Climate Change: All About How We Love the World mmanuel Foro

Articles in Catholic Rural Life Magazine
Faith and the Call for a Human Ecology Michael Czerny, SJ
Francis to Francis: The Continuity of Catholic Ecology Catholic Rural Life
Ecology in Action Catholic Rural Life
Aqua, sine qua non Tom Giessel
The Dignity of It All: Respecting the Dignity of All God's Creations Dr. Marie George

Articles in Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Ecological Management, Cultural Reform, and Religious Creativity Willis Jenkins
Should Ecological Science Be Ethical? Simon A. Queensborough and Liza S. Comita
The World House: Prophetic Protestantism and the Struggle for Environmental Justice Peter Goodwin Heltzel
Whom the Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Myopic: Religion and Ethics in Cross-Disciplinary Ecological Dialogue Daniel Maguire
Denaturing Nature Christiana Z. Peppard
Jainism, Dharma, and Environmental Ethics Pankaj Jain
Islamic Environmental Stewardship: Nature and Science in the Light of Islamic Philosophy Munjed M. Murad
Glimpses of Earth: Sustainability in the Crucible of Experience Matthew C. Ally

Articles in SIDIC Periodical, a journal of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion
Caring for the Creation: A Jewish perspective Hillel Avidan
Humanity and Nature According to the Jewish Scriptures Lawrence Frizzell
The Care of Creation: a Christian Perspective Dennis Richards

Articles in University of St. Thomas Law Journal
Peace With Creation: Catholic Perspectives on Environmental Law Archbishop Harry J. Flynn
Natural Law and Ecological Responsibility: Drawing on the Thomistic Tradition William C. French
The Moral Significance of Creation in the Franciscan Theological Tradition: Implications for Contemporary Catholics and Public Policy Keith Douglass Warner O.F.M.
The Evangelical Debate Over Climate Change John Copeland Nagle
The Preferential Option for the Poor: An Opportunity and a Challenge for Environmental Decision-Making Lucia A. Silecchia
The Poor of the Planet and the Planet of the Poor: Ecological Ethics and Economic Liberation John Hart
The Necessity of Economics: The Preferential Option for the Poor, Markets, and Environmental Law Andrew P. Morriss
Challenges to Using the Principle of Subsidiarity for Environmental Policy Gregory R. Beabout
Solidarity and Subsidiarity in a Changing Climate: Green Building as Legal and Moral Obligations Jamison E. Colburn
Subsidiarity and Solidarity: Lenses for Assessing the Appropriate Locus for Environmental Regulation and Enforcement Jerome M. Organ
Environmental Racism and Black Theology: James H. Cone Instructs Us on Witness Marguerite L. Spencer

Articles in Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America
Ecological Theology: Trinitarian Perspectives Denis Edwards
Moral Problems Arising from Man's Intervention in Nature Owen W. Garrigan

Articles from Jesuit sources
Ecological Examen Joseph Carver SJ
Symposium on Ecology Rome, Italy
Canaries in the Coal Mine: The Deep Connection Between Environment Destruction and Poverty Fred Kammer, S.J.
Jesuit Mission and the Environment Issue of Promotio Iustitiae with several articles on the environment

Articles from the Vatican
The Beauty of Creation Pontifical Council for Culture
Land, a common Good for All of Humanity Cardinal Roger Etchegaray

Articles in Markets and Morality
Getting into Hot Water: Evangelicals and Global Warming Benjamin B. Phillips
Stewardship Without Prices and Private Property? Modern Evangelical Environmentalism's Struggle to Value Nature William L. Anderson, Timothy D. Terrell
Ecological Confusion among the Clergy Allan Fitzsimmons
Environmental Theology: A Judeo-Christian Defense Peter J. Hill
Human Rights and the Rights of Nature Thomas Sieger Derr
Liberty and the Place of Man in Nature William C. Dennis

Articles in Word & World, a quarterly journal of theology, published by the faculty of Luther Seminary
Women and Ecology in Shona Religion Isabel Mukonyora
Creation or Nature? A Manner of Speaking Robert Quam
Ecology, Feminism, and Theology Mary Ann Hinsdale
Environmental Concern and Economic Justice Péri Rasolondraibe
Reconciliation with Nature Jürgen Moltmann
Rural America in Crisis: An Unprecedented Call for a Christian Environmental Ethic C. Dean Freudenberger
The Church's Role in Environmental Action Calvin B. Dewitt
The Environmental Challenge in Rural America Anne Kanten
The Weeping Mask: Ecological Crisis and the View of Nature Vítor Westhelle
The Responsibility of Royalty: Genesis 1-11 and the Care of the Earth James Limburg
Biblical Perspectives on the Land Dennis T. Olson

Articles in Judaism
How Green Is Judaism? Exploring Jewish Environmental Ethics David Vogel
Judaism and Nature: Theological and Moral Issues to Consider While Renegotiating a Jewish Relationship to the Natural World Eilon Schwartz

Articles in the Journal of Buddhist Ethics
Getting to Grips With Buddhist Environmentalism: A Provisional Typology Ian Harris
Causation and Telos: The Problem of Buddhist Environmental Ethics Ian Harris
The Early Buddhist Tradition and Ecological Ethics Lambert Schmithausen

Articles in the Religion Online website
Necessities for an Ecological Civilization John B. Cobb
Community of Life: Ecological Theology in African Perspective Harvey Sindima

Articles in Tyndale Bulletin, the journal of Tyndale House, Cambridge, a UK-based research institute
Ecology and Eschatology: A Neglected Dimension Francis W. Bridger
Christians in the Global Greenhouse Donald A. Hay

Articles in Spirituality Today, a journal of the Chicago Dominican province
Exploring Eco-Spirituality Charles Cummings, O.C.S.O.
Ecology and World Poverty: A Christian Response Anthony J. Gittens, C.S.Sp.

Articles in Verbum et Ecclesia, an international, South African online journal
Environmental protection as a global bioethical principle: Protestant faith tradition in conversation with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Adriaan L. Rheeder
Ecocide, the Integrity of Creation and the Rights of the Next Generation J M Vorster

Articles from Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church, a global ethics network fostering connections within the world church
In Defense of Resilience as an Ecological Virtue Agnes M. Brazal
Aggression against the Environment Translates to Hostility Towards the Least in the Society Kristine Meneses

Articles from the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy
Why We Need a New Ethic for the Environment Richard Sivil, page 103
Population Growth and Ecological Degradation in Northern Ghana: the Complex Reality Jacob Songsore, page 211

Articles from other sources
Justice for the Earth Podcasts of a conference at the University of Notre Dame
Integral Ecology: Pope Francis, Ethical Pluralism, and the Planet Christiana Z. Peppard, Ph.D.
From De-Humanization to the Flourishing Feast: A Study of Ecological Conversion by means of a Triple Colloquy with Pope Francis, Pope John Paul II, and Bernard Lonergan, S.J. Christopher Krall, S.J.
The Earth's Ethos, Logos, and Pathos: An Ecological Reading of Revelation Curtis Johnson
Climate Change and the Catholic Church Jeffrey D. Sachs
Dominion and Stewardship: Imaging God in Creation Matthew P Cavedon
Climate change and the churches David Atkinson
Earthcare: An Ethical Culture Designed to Save Our Planet & Ourselves Kibbutz Lotan, a community in Israel's Negev
Creative Giver of Life: An Ecological Theology of the Holy Spirit Elizabeth A. Johnson, C.S.J.
Gethsemani III, May 2008
The Theology of George W. Bush and His Environmental/Conservation Policy Edward T. Wimberley
Reenlivening The Dying Earth Tom Ravetz
Religion and Ecology: Can the Climate Change Dædalus, Fall 2001
Looking Ahead: Ecology and Theology Moni McIntyre, Ph.D., page 42
Mission and Ecology: Christian Mission in the light of an Environment Under Threat Gearóid Francisco O'Conaire, OFM, page 21
The Lesson of Landscape James Kendal, S.J., page 338

Peace Ideas
The Sanctity of Nature
Reverence for Life
Creation Rejoices
Environmental Justice for All Robert D. Bullard
World Religions, the Earth Charter, and Sustainability Mary Evelyn Tucker
Orthodox Perspectives On Greening The Parish
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Conservation Center
Environmental Justice Program United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
National Ecology Commission The National Ecology Commission of the Secular Franciscan Order
Earth Ministry
Evangelical Environmental Network
National Religious Partnership for the Environment
Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life
Interreligous Eco-Justice Network
Internet Reources for Exploring Religion, Worldviews, Environment and Public Policy Compiled by Timothy C. Weiskel

Broken links? Suggestions?

Email webmaster Gerald Darring