Declaration on Christian Education Vatican II
The Catholic School on the Threshold of the Third Millennium Congregation for Catholic Education
Educational Guidance in Human Love Congregation for Catholic Education
Congregation for Catholic Education
On Christian Education Pope Leo XIII
On Christian Education Pope Pius XI
Articles in Compass Review, a Review of Topical Theology published quarterly by the Australian Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
Grounding Hope in Uncertain Times: Mission and Catholic Schools Therese D'Orsa and Jim D'Orsa
Tales About the Future of Catholic Schools: The Story of Bob and Cathy Richard Rymarz
Eastern Catholic Students in Catholic Schools: The Background Paper Brian Kelty and Fr Alex Kenez
Eastern Catholic Students in Catholic Schools: Challenges and Responses Richard Rymarz
Religions of the World: Why Catholic Schools Should Teach About Them Kath Engebretson
What Lies Ahead for the Catholic School? James Quillinan
Bringing Life to Faith and Faith to Life: For a Shared Christian Praxis Approach and Against a Detractor Thomas Groome
Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
The Spirituality of the Teacher Elizabeth Liebert
The Spirituality of the Teacher Andrew Dreitcer
The Vocationalizing of Education Richard Pring
School Chaplain Paul Edwards
The School Community and School Organization Peter Hackett
The Challenge to Catholic Education Maurice Keane
The Complete Curriculum and the Complete Person Frank Morgan
Education and Community Doreen Grant
Community Schools: A Note Ralph Woodhall
The Future of Catholic Schools George Earle
Education as Ministry Joan Bland
Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
Loisy's "Mystical Faith": Loisy, Leo XIII, and Sabatier on Moral Education and the Church Harvey Hill
Education for Ministry since Vatican II T. Howland Sanks
The Priest in Education: Apostolate or Anomaly? Matthew J. O'Connell
Articles in SSRN, composed of a number of specialized research networks
Religious-School Financing and Educational Pluralism in the American Tradition Thomas C. Berg
Vouchers and Religious Schools: The New Constitutional Questions Thomas C. Berg
Articles from Mirror of Justice, a blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory, affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School
Harmonizing Plural Societies: The Case of Lasallians, Families, Schools - and the Poor Patrick McKinley Brennan
The Right Questions About School Choice: Education, Religious Freedom, and the Common Good Richard W. Garnett
Racial Segregation in American Churches and its Implications for School Vouchers Robert K. Vischer
Articles in Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America
Moral Aspects of Segregation in Education Francis J. Gilligan
Moral and spiritual values in public education John J. Voight
Articles in Church Life Journal, a journal of the McGrath Institute for Church Life
Education Should Aim at God, Not the Job Market Daniel Drain
Thoughts on a Theology of Teaching: You Give Them Something to Eat M. Joseph Pedersen, C.S.C.
Articles from other sources
Catholic Education and Social Capital in the United States of America Catherine Joseph Droste
Invitation to Discipleship: Educating for Virtue in Catholic Classrooms Patrick R Manning
Called to justice: Anti-racism work is a vital part of parish ministry. Why are so many Catholics uncomfortable with it? Rebecca Brauen Weiss
More, more, more? John Moffatt SJ
Invitation to Discipleship: Educating for Virtue in Catholic Classrooms Patrick R Manning
Living and Thinking Reality in Its Integrity: Originary Experience, God, and the Task of Education David L. Schindler
Education and the Human Soul Patrick Danielson
Catholic Education and Free Market Miguel Rumayor
'Coming Out' as a Catholic School Teacher Gerald D. Coleman
Love As the Horizon of Moral Education and Character Development: A Latin American Contribution for the 21st Century
Blessed Are They Who Go to Catholic Schools Tim Unsworth
Broadening the Horizons: Faith Formation in a World of Religious Diversity Geoffrey King
Men for Others: Education for Social Justice and Social Action Today Pedro Arrupe, S.J.
Teaching Theology in a New Cultural Environment Peter Horsfield
National Catholic Educational Association
The Alliance for Catholic Education
Catholic Education Resource Center
Articles in Catholic Education
Conflict in Independent Catholic Schools Dan Guernsey and James Barott
Feelings about Math and Science: Reciprocal Determinism and Catholic School Education Anna Cash Ghee and Jane C. Khoury
Toward a Pedagogy Grounded in Christian Spirituality Gini Shimabukuro
Making God Known, Loved, and Served: The Future of Catholic Primary and Secondary Schools in the United States Catholic Education, March 2008
Articles from other sources
Mentoring in a Catholic High School: The Movement to Receive Alfred KM Pang
Catholic Schools: Heritage and Legacy Bishops of Ohio
Mentoring in a Catholic High School: The Movement to Receive Alfred KM Pang
Healing the Wounded Adolescent Mary Eastham
Lemon v. Kurtzman: The Parochial-School Crisis and the Establishment Clause Thomas C. Berg
Non-Catholic Students Impact upon Catholic Students in Four Catholic High Schools J. Kent Donlevy
The Catholic Option: Non-Catholic Parents' Choice of a Religious Education in Saskatoon Catholic Schools Archibald Glen McKay
The Gifts of the Spirit: An Apologia for Metaphysics in High Schools Raquel Frisardi
Apostolic Constitution on Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties Pope John Paul II
Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities Pope John Paul II
The Presence of the Church in the University and in University Culture Congregation for Catholic Education and the pontifical councils for the Laity and for Culture
Ex Corde Ecclesiae: The Application to the United States United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Guidelines Concerning the Academic Mandatum in Catholic Universities United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Catholic Colleges and Universities In the United States
Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities
Newman Connection
The Idea of a University Cardinal Newman
Articles in Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education
The Catholic Intellectual Tradition, Social Justice, and the University David Hollenbach, SJ
The Catholicity of the Catholic University Denise Carmody
Newman's Idea of a University and Its Relevance to Catholic Higher Education Cardinal Avery Dulles
Ex Corde Ecclesiae and the University Mary Theresa Moser, RSCJ
The University that Does Justice William Spohn
Goddess in the Classroom: Is the Promotion of Religious Diversity a Dangerous Idea? Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Is Tolerance Enough? The Catholic University and the Common Good David Hollenbach, S.J.
Barriers and Resources Charles J. Dougherty
Risking Dialogue Elizabeth Murray Morelli
The Common Good and the Marginalized Roberto S. Goizueta
Dialogue, Diversity and the Common Good Ali Banuazizi
Recent Publications on the Academy and the Common Good Ronald Slepitza
Academic Excellence Is Not Enough: The Moral Formation of Our Students Thomas E. Buckley, SJ
The Backwardness of American Catholicism Michael J. Lacey
The Best of Times, The Worst of Times: Catholic Intellectual Life in Today's Academic Setting Monika K. Hellwig
Living Conversation: Higher Education in a Catholic Context Michael Himes
Theology and the Mission of the Jesuit College and University John C. Haughey, S.J.
Twenty-six Years of Undergraduate Theology Monika K. Hellwig
Intelligence Shaped by Affection William M. Shea
Theology as Hard-Won Wisdom J. William Harmless, S.J.
Teaching Christian Ethics in a Jesuit University William C. Spohn, S.J.
Helping College Students Make Moral Decisions: Introduction/Real Life Charles M. Shelton, S.J.
Helping College Students Make Moral Decisions: Thesis One: Higher education appears to have rediscovered the moral thrust of education, but the reality is that this pursuit might have only minimal significance Charles M. Shelton, S.J.
Helping College Students Make Moral Decisions: Thesis Two: The possibility for mature moral reflection in many young adults is compromised by their problematic life histories and impaired family backgrounds Charles M. Shelton, S.J.
Helping College Students Make Moral Decisions: Thesis Three: When discussing young-adult moral development, we should redirect our focus to the theme of life-story narration, conscience formation, and values Charles M. Shelton, S.J.
Some Suggestions for Aiding Students' Moral Growth Charles M. Shelton, S.J.
Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
Spirituality and the University Philip Endean
Learning to Ignite': Teaching Spirituality to College Students Kathleen Deignan
A New Era in Catholic Tertiary Education Dorothy Bell
Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
The Religious Roots of Academic Freedom William J. Hoye
Newman, God, and the Academy Daniel Cere
The Apostolic Constitution "Deus scientiarum dominus": Its Origin and Spirit A. Bea
Articles from the Journal of Religion and Society
Freedom and Commitment: Religious Colleges and Universities in a Multicultural Society Eric Bain-Selbo
Teaching the Bible through the Internet Ronald A. Simkins
Experiential Education and the Transformation of Liberation Theology Charles R. Strain
Articles from Mirror of Justice, a blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory, affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School
Sparks and Bridges: Catalysts of a Catholic Higher Education That Works Amelia J. Uelman
An Explicit Connection Between Faith and Justice in Catholic Legal Education: Why Rock the Boat? Amelia J. Uelman
Articles in Common Ground Journal
Theological Education in Light of Cultural Variations of Reasoning: Some Educational Issues Marlene Enns, page 71
Toward a Holistic View of Theological Education Einike Pilli, page 83
Articles from other sources
The Faiths of a Catholic University: Personal or Impersonal James Bernauer
How the First Jesuits Became Involved in Education John W. O'Malley
Reforging Catholic Identity - How Will Non-Catholic Faculty Fit In? - Catholic Identity Of Catholic Colleges And Universities John Langan
The Jesuit Tradition of Christian Humanism John O'Malley, S.J.
Impasse and Solidarity in Theological Ethics James F. Keenan
Spirituality and the University C Kourie
Implementing Jesuit Charisms and Core Values in Distance Education Charles Timothy Dickel and Sharon R. Ishii-Jordan
Dean's Message: Are We 'Too Catholic' or 'Not Catholic Enough'? Thomas M. Mengler
How Diverse Is Contemporary Theological Education? Identity Politics and Theological Education Jenny Plane Te Paa
Theological Education in the Brazilian Context Carlos Eduardo Calvani
Christopher Dawson and Catholic Education in America William J. Atto
A Theology and Philosophy of Christian Education Dabai Bamalyi
Teaching and Learning in the Catholic University: Theological Perspectives Anthony J. Kelly, CSsR
Faith and Justice in Higher Education Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, SJ, page 9
Newman's Idea of a University and its Relevance to Catholic Higher Education Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ
Researching Catholicity at ACU Anthony Kelly, CssR
Values inTheology and Religious Education Joseph L. Roche, S.J.
The Elusive Idea of a Catholic University Charles E. Curran
The Characteristics of Jesuit Education
The New Role of Christian Universities in Asia Raimund Pannikar
Teaching Authority, Catholic Universities, Academic Freedom Ladislas Örsy, SJ
Theology and higher education Thomas C. Donlan
A Catholic College in the Seventeenth Century L. Willaert, S. J., page 745
Some of the Advantages of a Catholic University Johh F. Mullany, page 479
Theology Degrees Online
Catechesi Tradendae
Pope John Paul II
In Support of Catechetical Ministry U.S. Catholic Bishops
Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits Religious Educators as Teachers of Spirituality Gloria Durka
Identity and Change in Religious Education Thomas Groome
Religious Education: The Present and the Future Peter Vardy
Problems and Changing Emphases in Religious Education David Konstant
Religion as a Classroom Subject Kevin Nichols
The 'New' Catechetics Patrick Purnell
Teaching the New Testament Ruth Duckworth
Moral Education Gerard J. Hughes
The Bible in Religious Education Leonard Johnston
Articles from other sources
Pope Francis's New Vision for Catechists Brian Pedraza
Contemplating the Christ Child for Imagining a Christian Educational Vision that Liberates Children Alfred Pang
Jews and Judaism in European Catholic Catechisms and Textbooks Maria Brutti
Is the Catechism Enough? A Theological Perspective on Using the Catechism in Education Matthew C Ogilvie
Catechetics Today: Need for Biblical and Jewish Inspirations Marie-Heleene Fournier
The Lenten Catechtical Syllabus in Fourth-Century Jerusalem Anthony A. Stephenson