Leo XIII: Rerum Novarum

A Bibliography by Gerald Darring

Abell, Aaron I. "The Reception of Leo XIII's Labor Encyclical in America, 1891-1919." Review of Politics 7 (October 1945) 464-95.

Abell, Aaron I. American Catholicism and Social Action: A Search for Social Justice 1865-1950. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1960, pp. 73-80.

Abell, Aaron I. "Pope Leo XIII on the Condition of Labor." Crossier Family Monthly 36 (November 1961) 51-55.

Azarias, Brother. "Ethical Aspects of the Papal Encyclical." International Journal of Ethics 2 (January 1892) 137-61. Also in his Essays Philosophical, Chicago: McBride, 1896, pp. 215-50.

Baerwald, Friedrich. "The Labor Encyclicals Today." Thought 26 (June 1951) 165-79. Reprinted in Catholic Mind 49 (October 1951) 622-34.

Barry, David. "What Is a Fair Wage: The Teaching of Two Popes." Irish Ecclesiastical Record 45 (March 1935) 253-55.

Barry, William. "Labor and Capital, Limited." Dublin Review 112 (April 1893) 341-59.

Blakely, Paul L., S.J. "The Labor Encyclical of 1891." America 45 (18 April 1931) 40-41.

Blakely, Paul L., S.J. "The School and 'Rerum Novarum.'" America 45 (9 May 1931) 111-12.

Boland, John P. "Fifty Years of Social Justice." Sign 20 (May 1941) 585-87.

Bole, William. "The Legacy of Rerum Novarum: The Church's Social Teachings Receive New Attention." Columbia 71 (May 1991) 8-9.

Bonnar, Alphonsus. "Analysis of the Rerum Novarum." Irish Monthly 63 (February 1935) 111-16.

Bourke, G.J. "Sixty Years After." Irish Monthly 79 (May 1951) 213-18.

Brady, E.B. "The Pope and the Proletariat." Catholic World 53 (August 1891) 633-44.

Brooks, John Graham. "The Papal Encyclical upon the Labor Question." Proceedings of the American Economic Association 9 (1894) 546.

Bruehl, Charles. "The Economic and Social Doctrines of Leo XIII." Central-Blatt and Social Justice 24 (April 1931) 4-5.

Bruehl, Charles. "Papal Program of Social Reform." Central-Blatt and Social Justice 24 (May 1931) 39-40.

Bruehl, Charles. "The Function of State and Church in Relation to the Social Question." Central-Blatt and Social Justice 24 (June 1931) 75-76.

Brusher, Joseph S. "Pope Leo XIII's Social Encyclical Rerum Novarum in the San Francisco of 1901." American Ecclesiastical Review 141 (August 1959) 103-16.

Busteed, John. "The World Economic Crisis and Rerum Novarum." Studies 20 (March 1931) 13-23.

Calvez, Jean-Yves and Jacques Perrin. The Church and Social Justice: The Social Teaching of the Popes from Leo XIII to Pius XII, 1878-1958. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1961.

Calvez, Jean-Yves, S.J. "Economic Policy Issues in Roman Catholic Social Teaching: An International Perspective." Thomas M. Gannon, S.J., ed. The Catholic Challenge to the American Economy: Reflections on the U.S. Bishops Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy. New York: Macmillan, 1987, pp. 15-26.

Camp, Richard L. "The Rights and Duties of Labor and Capital." Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, S.J., eds., Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching. New York: Paulist Press, 1986, pp. 32-50.

Carey, Loretta, R.D.C. "Rerum Novarum: Heritage and Challenge for Catholic Education." Momentum 22 (April 1991) 72-76.

Carlin, D.R., Jr. "A Syllabus for Progress." Commonweal 118 (3 May 1991) 280-81.

Chaigne, Herve, O.F.M. "The Catholic Church and Socialism." Cross Currents 15 (September 1965) 151-69.

Coleman, John A., S.J. One Hundred Years of Catholic Social Thought: Celebration and Challenge. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1991, pp. 13-18, 43-54, 56-58.

Cort, John C. "After Sixty Years." Commonweal 54 (11 May 1951) 114-15.

Cort, John C. "Anniversaries of Two Great Papal Documents on the Social Question." Sign 35 (May 1956) 52-54.

Cort, John C. Christian Socialism. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1988, pp. 283-88.

Cort, John C. "Rerum Novarum and the Wealth of Nations." Catholic Worker 63 (May 1991) 7.

Curran, R. Emmett, S.J. "Confronting 'The Social Question': American Catholic Thought and the Socio-Economic Order in the Nineteenth Century." U.S. Catholic Historian 5:2 (1986) 165-193.

Dease, L.G. "Christian Democracy." Tablet 103 (16 January 1904) 113-15.

Delaney, J.P. "Fifty Years Ago Leo Charted the Economic Seas." America 65 (10 May 1941) 118-20. Reprinted in Catholic Mind 39 (22 June 41) 13-22.

Dorr, Donal. Option for the Poor. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1983, pp. 11-56.

Duska, Ronald, ed. Rerum Novarum: A Symposium Celebrating 100 Years of Catholic Social Thought. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen, 1991. See: John J. Gilligan, "The Church and the Working Poor," pp. 61- 75. Al Gini, "Meaningful Work and the Rights of the Worker: A Commentary on Rerum Novarum and Laborem Exercens," pp. 77-97. John Onaiyekan, "Rerum Novarum: Its Message for the Church in Africa Today: Reflections of a Nigerian Bishop," pp. 123-34. Patricia H. Werhane, "The Obligatory Nature of Stewardship in Rerum Novarum and Its Relevance to the American Economy," pp. 183-97.

Ederer, Rupert J. "On Rerum Novarum and Recidivism." Social Justice Review 82 (May-June 1991) 96-98.

Eze, Osita. "Human Rights, Peace and Rerum Novarum of Leo XIII. Obiora F. Ike, ed., Catholic Social Teachings En-Route in Africa. Enugu, Nigeria: Catholic Institute for Development, Justice and Peace, 1991, pp. 3-12.

Fichter, Joseph H. "Leo XIII and Labor." Catholic World 147 (September 1938) 679-84.

Fichter, Joseph H. "Leo XIII and Labor." Roots of Change. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1939, pp. 222-41.

Fortin, Ernest L. "Free Markets Have Their Limits: Two Cheers for Capitalism." Crisis (July-August 1992) 20-25.

Fortin, Ernest L. "'Sacred and Inviolable': Rerum Novarum and Natural Rights." Theological Studies 53 (June 1992) 203-33.

Furfey, P.H. "Personalistic Social Action in the Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno." American Catholic Sociological Review 2 (December 1941) 204-16.

George, Henry. The Condition of Labor: An Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII. New York: United States Book Company, 1891.

Gibbons, James Cardinal. "Cardinal Gibbons to Pope Leo XIII, June 22, 1891." Catholic Mind 49 (November 1951) 779-80.

Gilson, Etienne. "Introduction." The Church Speaks to the Modern World: The Social Teachings of Leo XIII. Garden City, NY: Image Books, 1954, pp. 1-28.

Gini, Al. "Meaningful Work and the Rights of the Worker." Thought 67 (September 1992) 225-39.

Godkin, E.L. "The Pope and the Poor." Nation 54 (7 January 1892) 7-8.

Gorman, Ralph. "Two Great Documents." Catholic Mind 49 (October 1951) 701-02. Reprinted from Sign 30 (May 1951) 4.

Gorman, Ralph. "The Catholic Manifesto." Catholic Mind 54 (November 1956) 605-07.

Grelle, Bruce, and David A. Krueger, eds. Christianity and Capitalism: Perspectives on Religion, Liberalism and the Economy. Chicago: Center for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1986.

Gribble, Richard, C.S.C. "Rerum Novarum and the San Francisco Labor Movement." US Catholic Historian 9 (Summer 1990) 275-88. Also in Gribble, Catholicism and the San Francisco Labor Movement, 1896-1921, San Francisco: Mellen Research University Press, 1993, pp. 9-26.

Guitton, Georges, S.J. "The Background of 'Rerum Novarum.'" America 45 (25 April 1931) 56-57.

Haas, Francis J. "Leo XIII and Collective Bargaining." America 45 (23 May 1931) 156-58.

Haas, Francis J. "The Encyclical Rerum Novarum and the Capital Sins of Industry." Missionary 45 (May 1931) 150-54.

Habiger, Matthew, O.S.B. "The Antecedents and Central Claims of Rerum Novarum." Social Justice Review 82 (May-June 1991) 77-81.

Harris, P. "Syllabus for Teaching the Encyclical Rerum Novarum." Catholic Business Education Review 3 (February 1952) 77-79.

Hayes, John M. "Fifty Years After." Catholic Action 23 (June 1941) 21.

Hedley, Bishop John C. "The Encyclical on Labour." Tablet 77 (6 June 1891) 885.

Hegener, Mark, O.F.M.. "Seventy Years Later." Franciscan Herald and Forum 40 (May 1961) 131-36+

Higgins, George G. "After Sixty Years." Social Order 1 (May 1951) 195-204. Catholic Mind 49 (October 1951) 606-617.

Hinsley, A. "Leo XIII and the Social Problem." Irish Ecclesiastical Record 3 (November-December 1891) 961-73, 1086-99

Hobgood, Mary E. Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Theory: Paradigms in Conflict. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991, pp. 96-130.

Holaind, R.J., S.J. "The Encyclical 'Rerum Novarum.'" American Ecclesiastical Review 5 (August 1891) 81-83.

Hollis, Christopher. "Henry George and Leo XIII." Tablet 177 (17 May 1941) 394.

Hollis, Christopher. Christianity and Economics. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1961, pp. 29-49.

Hughes, Philip. "England's Reception of Rerum Novarum." Blackfriars 22 (May 1941) 226-31.

Husslein, Joseph, S.J. "The Moloch of Industrialism." America 45 (23 May 1931) 159-60.

Husslein, Joseph C., S.J. The Christian Social Manifesto: An Interpretative Study of the Encyclicals Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1931. Fifth ed., 1939.

Josol, Abdon Ma. C., C.Ss.R. "Property and Natural Law in Rerum Novarum and ST.2-2, 2.66, AA.1,2,7: An Expository and Comparitive Study." Doctoral dissertation. Rome: Academia Alfonsiana, 1985.

Kammer, Fred, S.J. Doing Faithjustice. New York: Paulist Press, 1991, pp. 77-78.

Kavanagh, Bishop James. "Rerum Novarum: A Hundred Years On." Furrow 43 (April 1992) 215-21.

Keane, Bishop John J. "The Catholic Church and Economics." Quarterly Journal of Economics 6 (October 1891) 25-46.

Keane, Bishop John J. "The Encyclical Letter Rerum Novarum." American Catholic Quarterly Review 16 (July 1891) 595-611.

Keating, Joseph I. "Rerum Novarum." Month 157 (April 1931) 342-50.

Kenkel, F.P. "A Sum of Social Doctrines." America 45 (9 May 1931) 104-05.

Kenrick, E. F. "Sixty-four Years after Rerum Novarum." America 93 (14 May 1955) 177-79.

Kernan, W.F. "Rerum Novarum and Labor." Commonweal 26 (6 August 1937) 357-58; 26 (13 August 1937) 379-81.

Kurland, Norman G. "Who Will Liberate the Worker, Karl Marx or Leo XIII?" Social Justice Review 82 (September-October 1991) 148-51.

Lamboley, Kathryn. "Leo XIII, the Workers' Pope, Favored Unions." National Catholic Reporter 15 (7 September 1979) 37.

Landis, Benson Y. "Catholic, 1." Commonweal 34 (23 May 1941) 108-09.

Lecot, V.L.S. Cardinal. Catechism of Pope Leo s Great Encyclical on the Condition of Labor. Tr. from the French by William F. Grace. Worchester, MA: The Messenger, 1892.

LeRoy, Albert. "The Fiftieth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum." International Labor Review 44 (October 1941) 369-88.

Leroy-Beaulieu, M. Anatole. "State Intervention in Social Economy." Popular Science Monthly 41 (August 1892) 463-68.

Loftus, J.A. "Protest against Simplicism." Commonweal 24 (18 September 1936) 479-81.

Lorwin, L.L. "The Encyclicals of Leo XIII and Pius XI." Current History 34 (July 1931) 486-87.

Lucas, Herbert. "The Encyclical and the Economists." Month 72 (July 1891) 305-20.

Machacek, Pavel. "Rerum Novarum and the Nazis in Slovakia." Tablet 177 (24 May 1941) 406-07.

Maclean, D.A. "Christian Industrial Democracy: Its Moral Basis." International Journal of Ethics 37 (July 1927) 377-89.

Manning, Henry E. Cardinal, "Leo XIII on the Condition of Labour." Dublin Review 26 (July 1891) 153-67. Reprinted in part in John A. Ryan and Joseph Husslein, eds., The Church and Labor, New York: Macmillan, 1924, pp. 159-76.

Marygrove College, Detroit. A Second Spring: A Commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of Rerum Novarum. Detroit: Marygrove College, 1941.

Masse, Benjamin L., S.J. "Economic Liberalism in the Modern World." America 70 (1 April 1944) 705-07.

Masse, Benjamin L., S.J. "The Popes and the Industrial Revolution." America 85 (12 May 1951) 157-59. Reprinted in Catholic Mind 49 (October 1951) 634-41.

Masse, Benjamin L., S.J. "Anniversary of Social Encyclicals." America 124 (15 May 1971) 520-21.

McAvoy, Thomas T. "After Fifty Years." Ave Maria 54 (13 September 1941) 327-29.

McCarthy, George E., and Royal W. Rhodes. Eclipse of Justice. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1992, pp. 156-62.

McKenna, L., S.J. The Church and Labor. New York: P.J. Kenedy & Sons, 1914, pp. 17-40.

McKevitt, Peter. "Pope Leo XIII and Social Reform." Irish Ecclesiastical Record 57 (May 1941) 438-51.

McKevitt, Peter. "The Background of Rerum Novarum." Christus Rex (October 1951). Reprinted in Catholic Mind 50 (June 1952) 362-70.

McMahon, Thomas F. "May 15, 1971 Eighty Years After." American Ecclesiastical Review 164 (May 1971) 291-96.

Miller, Raymond J. "Revolutionary Encyclical." Catholic Mind 49 (October 1951) 654-59. Reprinted from the Ligourian (May 1951).

Mitchell, John J., Jr. "Embracing A Socialist Vision: The Evolution of Catholic Social Thought, Leo XIII to John Paul II." Journal of Church and State 27 (1985) 465-481.

Moody, Joseph N. "Leo XIII's Great Encyclical." Our Sunday Visitor 50 (23 July 1961) 1, 7.

Mueller, Franz H. "Three Stages of Encyclical Social Philosophy: Rerum Novarum, Quadragesimo Anno, and Mater et Magistra." Social Justice Review 54 (October 1961) 184-88+

Mueller, Franz H. "The Antecedents of Rerum Novarum." Social Justice Review 44 (July 1951) 113-116.

Mueller, Franz H. "Fundamental Thoughts in Rerum Novarum." Social Justice Review 44 (September-October1951) 147-49, 185-88.

Mueller, Franz H. "Magna Charta of the Social Order." Social Justice Review 44 (June 1951) 75-77.

Mueller, Franz H. The Church and the Social Question. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1984, pp. 66-83.

Mueller, Franz H. "Leo XIII and the Proletariat." Social Justice Review 82 (May-June 1991) 82-85.

Muench, A.J. "The State and the Worker." America 45 (2 May 1931) 85-86.

Muench, Bishop Aloysius J. "Leo XIII and Credit Unions." Commonweal 34 (23 May 1941) 102-04.

Muench, Bishop Aloysius J. "Leo XIII and Democracy." Social Justice Review 34 (May 1941) 39-41.

Murphy, William P. "Moral and Ethical Aspects of Labor-Management Relations." Andrew R. Cecil, Donald J. Shriver, Erik Suy, et al, Conflict and Harmony. Austin, TX: University of Texas at Dallas, 1982, pp. 155-203.

Murphy, William. "Rerum Novarum (1891)." George Weigel and Robert Royal, eds., A Century of Catholic Social Thought, Washington, DC: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1991, pp. 1-26.

Nell-Bruening, Oswald von, S.J. "Rerum Novarum A General Appraisal." Social Justice Review 82 (May-June 1991) 72-77.

Nevin, J.J. "Industrial Problems and the Church." Truth 36 (January 1932) 7-12.

Niebuhr, H. Richard. Christ and Culture. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1951, pp. 138-40.

Novak, Michael. Freedom with Justice. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984. See chapter 6, From Politics to Economics: Leo XIII and Pius XI, pp. 108-125.

Novak, Michael. "Culture First: The Democratic Capitalist Revolution Transformed." Richard John Neuhaus and George Weigel, eds., Being Christian Today. Washington, DC: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1991, pp. 251-84, 332-46. Replies by Dennis P. McCann and Herbert Schlossberg, pp. 285-93.

O'Hara, Bishop Edwin V. "Catholic Industrial Principles." Commonweal 14 (13 May 1931) 3: 35-36.

Orsini, Jean-Francois. "The Achievements and Aftermath of Rerum Novarum." Social Justice Review 82 (May-June 1991) 91-95.

Piedra, Alberto. "Reactions of the World to Rerum Novarum." Social Justice Review 82 (May-June 1991) 86-91.

Piehl, Mel. "A Wealth of Notions: Rerum Novarum and Its Offspring in America." Commonweal 118 (3 May 1991) 283-87.

Pope, Stephen J. "Rerum Novarum." Judith A. Dwyer, ed., The New Dictionary of Catholic Social Thought, Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1994, pp. 828-44.

Preston, Ronald H. "Catholic Social Thought." One World 168 (August-September 1991) 22-23, 27.

Preston, Thomas B. "Pope Leo on Labor." Arena 4 (September 1891) 459-67.

Ramm, C.A. "Henry George and the Late Encyclical." Catholic World 54 (January 1892) 555-67.

Ramsey, R. Paul. "Modern Papal Social Teachings." R.E. Cushman and E. Grislis, eds. The Heritage of Christian Thought: Essays in Honor of Robert Lowry Calhoun. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1965.

Reckitt, B. "Visitor to the Jubilee: An Anglican View." Blackfriars 22 (May 1941) 232-38.

Rickaby, Joseph, S.J. "A Commentary on the Encyclical Letter of May 15, 1891, On the Condition of the Working Classes." Month 91 (April-May 1898) 368-74, 481-91.

Ring, Mary Ignatius, S.N.D. "Villenueve and Leo XIII." Villenueve Bargement: Precursor of Modern Social Catholicism, 1784-1850. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1935, pp. 209-40.

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Ryan, John A. "Some Effects of 'Rerum Novarum.'" America 45 (25 April 1931) 58-60.

Ryan, John A. "Just Wages and 'Rerum Novarum.'" America 45 (9 May 1931) 105-06.

Ryan, John A. "The Encyclical and Labor Organization." America 45 (16 May 1931) 128-29.

Ryan, John A. "Pope Leo XIII's Magna Charta of Labor: Present Day Pertinency of the Rerum Novarum Explained." N.C.W.C. Review 13 (June 1931) 10-13.

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Ryan, John A. "The Teaching of Pope Leo XIII." Distribitive Justice. New York: Macmillan, 1927, pp. 63-66.

Ryan, John A. "Pope Leo's 'Rerum Novarum.'" Seven Troubled Years, 1930-36. Ann Arbor, MI: Edwards Brothers, 1937, pp. 137-40.

Ryan, John A. "On the Anniversary of the Encyclicals." American Catholic Sociological Review 2 (June 1941) 83-89.

Ryan, William. "Rerum Novarum a Century Later: Papal Lightning Bolt Ignites Catholic Spirit of Social Justice." Columbia 71 (May 1991) 6-7.

Schfers, Michael. "Rerum Novarum The Result of Christian Social Movements 'From Below.'" John A. Coleman and Gregory Baum, eds., Rerum Novarum: One Hundred Years of Catholic Social Teaching, Philadelphia: Trinity, 1991, pp. 3-17.

Schmiedeler, Edgar. The Encyclicals and Agriculture. Washington, DC: N.C.W.C., 1936. 10 pp. Reprinted from Catholic Action 18 (May 1936) 12-13+.

Sheedy, Morgan M. "The Encyclical to the American Iron-Workers and Coal-Miners." Catholic World 53 (September 1891) 850-61.

Smith, J.A. "Social Reconstruction." Catholic Mind 34 (22 June 1936) 245-52.

Soderini, Eduardo. "Pro and Con." Catholic World 139 (September 1934) 739-41.

Somerville, Henry. "England and the 'Rerum Novarum.'" America 45 (6 June 1931) 207-08.

Somerville, Henry. "The 'Rerum Novarum' after Forty Years." Studies 20 (March 1931) 1-12.

Somerville, Henry. "The Achievement of Rerum Novarum." Catholic Mind 49 (October 1951) 598-605.

Spaeth, H.J. "Economic Order and Papal Teachings." Shield 38 (May 1959) 20-22.

Spalding, J.L. "Socialism and Labor." Catholic World 53 (September 1891) 765-807.

Stevens, Harold A. "Social Significance of the Encyclical." Interracial Review 14 (June 1941) 91, 96.

Strelan, John G., ed. "Rerum Novarum: A Century of Roman Catholic Social Teaching." Lutheran Theological Journal 25 (August 1991) 91-125. Includes: D. Dorgan, "A Charter for Workers: The Context and Content of the Encyclical Rerum Novarum;" D. C. Overduin, "Rerum Novarum: Leo's Small Catechism of Social Justice;" K. Hoffmann, "Lutheran Involvement in Issues Raised by Rerum Novarum;" B. F. Duncan, "The Catholic Church and Economic Development."

Sullivan, Bishop Joseph M. "A Remarkable Beginning." Health Progress 72 (May 1991) 24-29.

Taft, Philip. "The Popes Point the Way to Social Justice." America 83 (22 April 1950) 81-83. Also in Benjamin L. Masse, ed., The Church and Social Progress: Background Readings for Pope John s Mater et Magistra. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1966, pp. 33-38. Unsworth, Tim. "A Catholic New World Order: The Making of Rerum Novarum." Salt 11 (November/December 1991) 22-25.

Velasquez, Manuel. "'Gaudium et Spes' and the Development of Catholic Social-Economic Teaching." Judith A. Dwyer, ed., "Questions of Special Urgency": The Church in the Modern World Two Decades After Vatican II. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1986, pp. 177-78.

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Watt, Lewis, S.J. Catholic Social Principles: A Commentary on the Papal Encyclical Rerum Novarum. London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1929.

Watt, Lewis, S.J. "Capitalism and Rerum Novarum." America 45 (2 May 1931) 83-84.

Watt, Lewis, S.J. "Rerum Novarum, 1891-1941." Month 177 (May-June 1941) 209-18.

Watt, Lewis, S.J. Rerum Novarum and Social Institutions in Great Britain. London: Catholic Social Guild, 1942.

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Williams, G. Mennen. "Not Statism, Not Socialism." Catholic Mind 49 (October 1951) 660-64.

Wiltbye, John. "A 'Rerum Novarum' Booklist." America 45 (25 April 1931) 64-65.

Zahm, J.A. "Leo XIII and the Social Question." North American Review 161 (August 1895) 200-14.

Zielinski, Martin. "The American Catholic and Chicago Response to Rerum Novarum." Chicago Studies 31 (August 1992) 142-53.

"Canon Holland on the Encyclical on Labour." Dublin Review 110 (January 1892) 180-83.

"Environment of the Encyclicals." Commonweal 34 (23 May 1941) 100-01.

"Garbling Pope Leo's Encyclical." Open letter "To the Catholic Clergy" by the National Association of Manufacturers. N.C.W.C. Bulletin 7 (November 1925) 27-28.

"Henry George to the Pope." [Book review.] New York Times (15 November 1891) 19.

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"Rerum Novarum." Commonweal 84 (10 June 1966) 326.

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"The Pope's Chamberlain." New York Times (16 November 1891) 2.

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"The 75th Anniversary of Rerum Novarum." Social Justice Review 59 (October 1966) 230.

"Writing Rerum Novarum." Tablet 210 (31 August 1957) 165.