John Paul II: Laborem Exercens

A Bibliography by Gerald Darring

Askin, Steve. "Think Tanks Scrutinize Work Encyclical." National Catholic Reporter 18 (25 December 1981) 7.

Barta, Russell, and William Droel. "Cardinal Wyszynski's Spirituality of Work." America 148 (8 January 1983) 11-12.

Barta, Russell. "Work: In Search of New Meanings." Chicago Studies 23 (August 1984) 155-68.

Baum, Gregory. "John Paul II's Encyclical on Labor." Ecumenist 20 (November/December 1981) 1-4. Also in Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching, Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds., New York: Paulist Press, 1986, pp. 233-240.

Baum, Gregory. The Priority of Labor: A Commentary on Laborem Exercens. New York: Paulist Press, 1982.

Baum, Gregory. "Taking Issue with Gordon DiGiacomo's 'Aspects of Catholic Labor Teaching.'" Grail 2 (June 1986) 6-9.

Baum, Gregory. "Laborem Exercens." Judith A. Dwyer, ed., The New Dictionary of Catholic Social Thought, Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1994, pp. 527-35.

Bedoere, Quentin de la. "Man and His Work." Tablet (5 December 1981) 1192.

Broz, Ludek. "Encyclical on Human Labor." Communio Viatorum 24:4 (1981) 269-71.

Buckley, William F., Jr. "The Encyclical and the Unions." National Review 33 (16 October 1981) 1228.

Buono, Anthony M. "John Paul II and the Gospel of Work." Ligourian 72 (September 1984) 2-4.

Cassidy, Kevin J. "Disarmament and the Economy: Catholic Social Thought and Economic Conversion." Thought 62 (June 1987) 220-33.

Charrier, Fernando, Capp. di S.S. "Labor and Capital: Thoughts on the Encyclical Laborem Exercens." L'Osservatore Romano [Eng.] no. 42 (19 October 1981) 8+.

De la Bedoyere, Quentin. "Man and His Work." Tablet 235 (5 December 1981) 1192-94.

Destro, Robert A. "Laborem Exercens (1981)." George Weigel and Robert Royal, eds., A Century of Catholic Social Thought, Washington, DC: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1991, pp. 145-61.

Donahue, Thomas. "Laborem Exercens, A Comfort and a Challenge to U.S. Labor." Origins 11 (29 April 1982) 730-39.

Dorr, Donal. "The New Social Encyclical." Furrow (November 1981) 700-12.

Dorr, Donal. Option for the Poor: A Hundred Years of Vatican Social Teaching. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1983, pp. 207-51.

Duncan, Roger. "On Reading Laborem Exercens." Homiletic and Pastoral Review 86 (July 1986) 11-19.

Ewald, Thomas. "The Immorality of Unemployment." Our Sunday Visitor 71 (1 August 1982) 3-4.

Faulhaber, Robert W. "The Church and Culture--John Paul II's On Human Work." Listening 18 (Spring 1983) 103-18.

Gini, Al. "Meaningful Work and the Rights of the Worker: A Commentary on Rerum Novarum and Laborem Exercens." Ronald Duska, ed., Rerum Novarum: A Symposium Celebrating 100 Years of Catholic Social Thought, Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen, 1991, pp. 77-97.

Gini, Al. "Meaningful Work and the Rights of the Worker." Thought 67 (September 1992) 225-39.

Ginsburg, Helen. "Teachings of John Paul II on Work and the Rights of Workers." Social Thought 13 (Spring-Summer 1987) 46-59.

Hallett, Brien. "Pope John Paul II's Challenge to the American Bishops." America 152 (4 May 1985) 371-74.

Hanink, James G. "The Social Encyclicals: On Human Work." National Catholic Register 64 (25 September 1988) 1+.

Hauerwas, Stanley. "Work as 'Co-Creation'--A Remarkably Bad Idea." This World, 3 (Fall 1982) 89-102.

Hebblethwaite, Peter. "Labor Encyclical: Worker, Not Capital, Key to Moral Order." National Catholic Reporter 17 (25 September 1981) 1, 32.

Hebblethwaite, Peter. "The Pope and the Unions." Tablet 240 (12 April 1986) 368-69.

Heckel, Bishop Roger. "Continuity and Renewal: Thoughts on the Encyclical Laborem Exercens." L'Osservatore Romano [Eng.] no. 40 (5 October 1981) 4-5.

Hehir, J. Bryan. "A New Era of Social Teaching." Commonweal 108 (23 October 1981) 585, 607.

Hennelly, Alfred T., S.J. "Pope John Paul's Spirituality of Work." America 146 (16 January 1982) 31-33.

Higgins, George G. Catholic Standard (24 September 1981).

Hoffman, N. von. "Papal Economics." New Republic 185 (4 November 1981) 18-21.

Hoeffner, Joseph Cardinal. "Spirituality of Work: Thoughts on the Encyclical Laborem Exercens." L'Osservatore Romano [Eng.] no. 39 (28 September 1981) 3-4.

Hollenbach, David, S.J. "Human Work and the Story of Creation." Justice, Peace, and Human Rights. New York: Crossroad, 1988, pp. 37-51.

Houck, John W., and Oliver F. Williams, eds. Co-Creation and Capitalism: John Paul II's 'Laborem Exercens.' Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1983. Articles by Michael Novak, Stanley Hauerwas, David Hollenbach, Bernard Murchland, Joseph A. Pichler, J. Bryan Hehir, Denis Goulet, Ernest Bartell, Andrea Lee and Amata Miller, George C. Lodge, Mark J. Fitzgerald, and Elmer W. Johnson.

Hyer, Marjorie. "Most React Favorably to Encyclical: Scholars from a Wide Spectrum of Thought Voice Their Approval." Washington Post (18 September 1981) B1.

Jones, Arthur. "Papal Labor View Focuses Agenda for U.S. Workers." National Catholic Reporter 17 (25 September 1981) 1, 33-34.

Kammer, Fred, S.J. Doing Faithjustice. New York: Paulist Press, 1991, pp. 103-05.

Kelley, J.J. "Silence about Subsidiarity." America 145 (12 December 1981) 382-83.

Langan, Thomas. "The Strained Theology of Gregory Baum." Review of Baum's The Priority of Labor. This World 6 (Fall 1983) 71-84.

Lawler, Philip F., ed. Papal Economics. Washington, DC: Heritage Foundation, 1982. Contains: Jude P. Dougherty, "The Work Ethic of John Paul II," 1-7. Claes G. Ryn, "The Work of Community," 8-17. James V. Schall, "On Imitating the Creator," 18-28. William A. Stanmeyer, "Interpreting Laborem Exercens," 29-41.

Lee, Andrea, IHM, and Amata Miller, IHM. "Feminist Themes and Laborem Exercens." Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds., Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching, New York: Paulist Press, 1986, pp. 411-441.

Marciniak, Edward Allen. "John Paul's Spirituality of Work: Some Next Steps." Priest 38 (October 1982) 34-39.

Martin, Malachi. Fairfax (Virginia) Journal (9 October 1981).

Maugenest, Denis, S.J. "The Encyclical Laborem Exercens: Its Context and Originality." Lumen Vitae 41 (No. 2, 1986) 226-31.

McCormick, Richard A., S.J. "Laborem Exercens and Social Morality" Theological Studies 43 (March 1982) 69-124. Also in Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching, Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds. (New York: Paulist Press, 1986) 219-232; and in McCormick, Notes on Moral Theology 1981 through 1984, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1984, pp. 72-83.

McGovern, Arthur F. "Pope John Paul II on 'Human Work.'" Telos 16 (Winter 1983-84) 215-18.

Morneau, Bishop Robert F. "Laborem Exercens: Themes and Theses." Review for Religious 41 (May-June 1982) 321-37. Also in Morneau, Themes and Theses of Six Recent Papal Documents: A Commentary. New York: Alba House, 1985, pp. 111-35.

Neuhaus, Richard John "The Mind of the Most Powerful Man in the World." Worldview 24:9 (September 1981) 13.

Novak, Michael. "The Pope's Brilliant Encyclical." National Review 33 (16 October 1981) 1210.

Novak, Michael. "'Creation Theology'--John Paul II and the American Experience." This World 3 (Fall 1982) 71-88.

Novak, Michael. Freedom with Justice. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984. See chap. 8, "Creation Theology: Pope John Paul II," 149-164.

Oakeshott, Robert. "Are the Pope's Co-ops Feasible?" Month 15 (March 1982) 91-94.

O'Grady, Desmond. "Polish Experience Permeates Papal Encyclical." Our Sunday Visitor 70 (27 September 1981) 7.

Pawlikowski, John T., O.S.M. "Modern Catholic Teaching on the Economy: An Analysis and Evaluation." Bruce Grelle and David A. Krueger, eds. Christianity and Capitalism: Perspectives on Religion, Liberalism and the Economy. Chicago: Center for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1986, p. 3-24.

Preston, Ronald H. "Pope John Paul II on Work." Theology 86 (January 1983) 19-24.

Roos, Lothar. "On a Theology and Ethics of Work." Communio (US) 11 (Summer 1984) 136-44.

Salholz, E., and others. "Pope Gets to Work." Newsweek 98 (28 September 1981) 59.

Savitskas, Charles A., Jr. "Scholars Probe Emphases for Pope's Labor Encyclical." Our Sunday Visitor 71 (30 May 1982) 6.

Schotte, Bishop Jan P. Reflections on 'Laborem Exercens.' Vatican City: Pontifical Commission Justice and Peace, 1982.

Schotte, Bishop Jan P. "The Social Teaching of the Church: Laborem Exercens, A New Challenge." Review of Social Economy 40 (December 1982) 340-59.

Seligman, Daniel. "Unfair to Capitalism." Fortune 104 (2 November 1981) 63.

Shaiken, Harley. "Labor Authority: 'Pope Radical in U.S. Context.'" Interview. National Catholic Reporter 17 (25 September 1981) 2.

Sorge, Bartolomeo. "Laborem Exercens: Toward a New Solidarity." Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds., Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching, New York: Paulist Press, 1986, 241-246.

Spiazzi, Raimondo M., O.P. "Gospel of Work and the Dignity of Man: Thoughts on the Encyclical Laborem Exercens." L'Osservatore Romano [Eng.] no. 41 (12 October 1981) 9-10.

Sullivan, Brian G. "Laborem Exercens: A Theological and Philosophical Foundation for Business Ethics." Listening 20 (September 1985) 128-46.

Tanner, Henry. New York Times (16 September 1981).

Traffas, John R. "The Spirit of Community and the Spirituality of Work: A Note on Laborem Exercens." Communio 10 (Winter 1983) 407-11.

Volf, Miroslav. "On Human Work: An Evaluation of the Key Ideas of the Encyclical Laborem Exercens." Scottish Journal of Theology 37 (1984) 65-79.

West, Philip. "Cruciform Labor: The Cross in Two Recent Theologies of Work." Modern Churchman 28:4 (1986) 9-15.

Williams, George Huntston. "John Paul II's Concepts of Church, State, and Society." Journal of Church and State 24 (Autumn 1982) 463-496.

"Good News of Work." Commonweal 108 (9 October 1981) 548-49.

"New Encyclical Lays Ground Rules for Our Socioeconomic Future." National Catholic Reporter 17 (25 September 1981) 10.

"Poland vs. Russia: The Pope Steps In." US News and World Report 91 (28 September 1981) 7.

Rerum Novarum Laborem Exercens 2000. Rome: Pontifical Commission Justice and Peace, 1982. See: Johannes Schasching, S.J., "The Originality and Importance of Laborem Exercens," pp. 137-46. Anton Rauscher, S.J., "Laborem Exercens Within the Context of the Church's Commitment to the Work of Peace and Justice," pp. 179-90. Archbishop Francis A. Arinze, "The Encyclical Laborem Exercens in the African Context," pp. 208-28. Aloysius Fonseca, S.J., "Laborem Exercens from an Asian Perspective," pp. 229-52. Thomas R. Donahue, "A United States Perspective," pp. 266-93.

"Strains of Solidarity." America 145 (3 October 1981) 172.

"Theological Trends: Catholic Social Thought Encounters Feminism." Way 31 (April 1991) 150-62.

"The Pope and Workers." Tablet 235 (17 October 1981) 1011-12.

"The Pope's Third Way." Tablet 235 (3 October 1981) 955-56.

"The Strains of Solidarity." America 145 (3 October 1981) 172.

"Work Is for Man, Not Man for Work." Time 118 (28 September 1981) 59.

National Catholic Register (18 October 1981).

Washington Post (16 September 1981).