Catholic Social Teaching

A Bibliography by Gerald Darring

Allen, Joseph L. "Catholic and Protestant Theories of Human Rights." Religious Studies Review 14 (October 1988) 347-53.

Amalorpavadass, D. Simon, ed. Indian Church in the Struggle for a New Society. Bangalore, India: National Biblical, Catechetical and Liturgical Centre, 1981. See: J. Kottukapally, "The Context of the Magisterial Teaching," pp. 703-720. John D'Mello, "The Understanding of Society That Emerges from the Papal Social Encyclicals," pp. 721-32. Paul de la Gueriviere, "Lessons from History Separation without Hope?" pp. 733-70. George V. Lobo, "Guidance from the Magisterial Documents on Social Questions," pp. 771-805. Paul Leon, "Changes and Developments in the Teaching of the Church Magisterium," pp. 806-826.

Antoncich, Ricardo. Christians in the Face of Injustice: A Latin American Reading of Catholic Social Teaching. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1987.

Au, William. "Papal and Episcopal Teaching." The Cross, the Flag, and the Bomb: American Catholics Debate War and Peace, 1960-1983. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985, pp. 163-200.

Au, William. "Papal and Episcopal Teaching on War and Peace: The Historical Background to The Challenge of Peace: God's Promise and Our Response." Charles J. Reid, Jr., ed., Peace in a Nuclear Age: The Bishops' Pastoral Letter in Perspective. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1986, pp. 98-119.

Baum, Gregory. "Class Struggle and the Magisterium: A New Note." Theological Studies 45 (1984) 690-701.

Baum, Gregory. "Faith and Liberation: Development Since Vatican II." Gerald M. Fagin, ed., Vatican II: Open Questions and New Horizons, Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, 1984, pp. 75-104.

Baum, Gregory. "Recent Roman Catholic Social Teaching: A Shift to the Left." W. Block and I. Hexham, eds. Religion, Economics, and Social Thought. Vancouver, BC: Fraser Institute, 1986, pp. 47-96.

Baum, Gregory. "The Catholic Church's Contradictory Stances." William K. Tabb, ed., Churches in Struggle: Liberation Theologies and Social Change in North America, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1986, pp. 123-37.

Baum, Gregory. "Faith and Liberation: Development Since Vatican II." Theology and Society. New York: Paulist Press, 1987, pp. 3-31.

Baum, Gregory. "An Ethical Critique of Capitalism: Contributions of Modern Catholic Social Teaching." Michael Zweig, ed., Religion and Economic Justice. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991, pp. 78-94.

Bayer, Richard C. "Catholic Social Teaching and the Economic Situation." Journal of Empirical Theology 5:1 (1992) 33-52.

Benestad, J. Brian. "Cardinal Bernardin and the Need for Catholic Social Teaching." Center Journal 4:1 (Winter 1984) 9-28.

Benestad, J. Brian. "Virtue in Catholic Social Teaching." James Finn, ed., Private Virtue and Public Policy: Catholic Thought and National Life, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1990, pp. 29-47.

Bennett, John C. "Capitalism and Ethics." Catholic Mind 65 (May 1967) 42-51.

Bernardin, Cardinal Joseph. "Catholic Teaching on World Order: Keeping and Building the Peace." Herbert Schambeck, ed., Pro Fide et Iustitia: Festscrift fur Agostino Kardinal Casaroli, Berlin: Duncker and Humblot, 1984, pp. 381-90.

Bianchi, Renzo. Liberalism and Its Critics, with Special Attention to the Economic Doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. Northfield, MN: Carleton College Economics Club, 1958.

Bingemer, Maria Clara Lucchetti. "Solidarity or Conflict: Possibilities of Dialogue between Catholic Social Thought and Liberation Theology." SEDOS Bulletin 23 (15 November 1991) 309-13.

Boff, Clodovis. "The Social Teaching of the Church and the Theology of Liberation: Opposing Social Practices?" Jacques Pohier and Dietmar Mieth, eds., Christian Ethics: Uniformity, Universality, Pluralism. New York: Seabury Press, 1981, pp. 17-22.

Bole, William. "The Legacy of Rerum Novarum: Church's Social Teachings Receive New Attention." Columbia 71 (May 1991) 8-9.

Bonino, Jose Miguez. "Social Doctrine as a Locus for Ecumenical Encounter." Ecumenical Review 43 (October 1991) 392-400.

Boyer, Mark G. "Common Good Concept in Catholic Social Teaching." Priest 48 (May 1992) 48-53.

Brehmer, Robert G. Social Doctrines of the Catholic Church. New York: Putnam, 1936.

Briefs, Goetz. "Social Encyclicals and Liberal Ethics." Social Order 6 (January 1956) 13-20.

Briefs, Goetz. "Catholic Social Doctrine, 'Laissez-Faire' Liberalism, and Social Market Economy." Review of Social Economy 41 (December 1983) 246-58.

Brubaker, Pamela K. "Economic Justice for Whom? Women Enter the Dialogue." Michael Zweig, ed., Religion and Economic Justice, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991, 97-125.

Buckley, Louis F. "Some Projections of the Papal Ideology on Social Matters." American Ecclesiastical Review 164 (May 1971) 333-48.

Caldera, Rafael. "International Social Justice in the Pontifical Documents." Herbert Schambeck, ed., Pro Fide et Iustitia: Festscrift fur Agostino Kardinal Casaroli, Berlin: Duncker and Humblot, 1984, pp. 795-808.

Calvez, Jean-Yves and Jacques Perrin. The Church and Social Justice: The Social Teaching of the Popes from Leo XIII to Pius XII, 1878-1958. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1961.

Calvez, Jean-Yves, S.J. "Economic Policy Issues in Roman Catholic Social Teaching: An International Perspective." Thomas M. Gannon, S.J., ed. The Catholic Challenge to the American Economy: Reflections on the U.S. Bishops' Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy. New York: Macmillan, 1987, pp. 15-26.

Camp, Richard L. The Papal Ideology of Social Reform: A Study in Historical Development 1878-1967. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1969.

Canavan, Francis. "The Popes and the Economy." First Things 16 (October 1991) 35-41.

Carrier, Herve, S.J. "Understanding Culture: The Ultimate Challenge of the World-Church?" Joseph Gremillion, ed., The Church and Culture since Vatican II: The Experience of North and Latin America, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1985, pp. 13-30.

Carrier, Herve, S.J. Gospel Message and Human Cultures: From Leo XIII to John Paul II. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1989.

Carrier, Herve, S.J. The Social Doctrine of the Church Revisited. Vatican City: Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, 1990.

Carroll, Janet C. "The Mission of the Churches in Realizing a New World Order: Morality, Justice, Peace." Missiology 13 (October 1985) 387-408.

Casey, Sr. Juliana, I.H.M. "The Social Teachings of the Church." Health Progress 72 (May 1991) 37-39.

Cassidy, Kevin J. "Disarmament and the Economy: Catholic Social Thought and Economic Conversion." Thought 62 (June 1987) 220-33.

Charles, Rodger, S.J. "Catholic Social Doctrine A Proposal." Homiletic and Pastoral Review 89 (April 1989) 59-64.

Chenu, Marie-Dominique. "The Church's 'Social Doctrine.'" Dietmar Mieth and Jacques Pohier, eds., Christian Ethics and Economics: The North-South Conflict. Concilium 140. New York: Seabury, 1980, pp. 71-75.

Chiarante, Giuseppe. "From Pius XII to John Paul II." Telos 16:4 (Winter 1983-84) 75-82. Translated by M.A. Finocchiaro from Critica Marxista 19:5 (1981) 7-19.

Christiansen, Drew. "Society and Ethics: The Church and World Hunger." Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America (1975) 129-39.

Christiansen, Drew, S.J. "On Relative Equality: Catholic Egalitarianism After Vatican II." Theological Studies 45 (December 1984) 651-675.

Christiansen, Drew. "Americanizing Catholic Social Teaching: The United States Bishops' Economic Pastoral and Recent Roman Teaching." Quarterly Review 7 (Winter 1987) 15-32.

Cirillo, R. Catholic Social Thought. Aquilina Malta, 1956.

Clarke, Kevin. "On the Road to Social Justice: How Parishes Get the Word Out About Catholic Social Teaching." Salt 11 (November-December 1991) 29-35.

Coleman, John A. "Catholic Human Rights Theory: Four Challenges to an Intellectual Tradition." Journal of Law and Religion 2:2 (1984) 343-66.

Coleman, John, S.J. "Development of Church Social Teaching." Origins 11 (1981) 33-41. Also in Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds., Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching. New York: Paulist Press, 1986, pp. 169-187.

Coleman, John A., S.J. "A New Catholic Voice on Social Issues." R.M. Brown and S.T. Brown, eds, A Cry for Justice: The Churches and Synagogues Speak. New York: Paulist Press, 1989, pp. 31-45.

Coleman, John A., S.J. One Hundred Years of Catholic Social Thought: Celebration and Challenge. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1991.

Coleman, John A. and Gregory Baum, eds. Rerum Novarum: One Hundred Years of Catholic Social Teaching. Philadelphia: Trinity, 1991. See: Jose Maria Diez Alegria, "Ownership and Labor: The Development of Papal Teaching," pp. 18-23; Norbert Mette, "Socialism and Capitalism in Papal Social Teaching," pp. 24-35; John A. Gallagher, "Theological Categories in the Social Encyclicals," pp. 36-46; Michael J. Schuck, "The Ideological Uses of Catholic Social Teaching," pp. 47-54; Gregory Baum, "The Originality of Catholic Social Teaching," pp. 55-62; Maria Riley, "Reception of Catholic Social Teaching Among Christian Feminists," pp. 105-18; Ricardo Antoncich, "Liberation Theology and the Social Teaching of the Church," pp. 119-25; Dennis P. McCann, "Communicating Catholic Social Teaching: The Experience of the Church in the United States of America," pp. 126-34.

Cormie, Lee. "Aspects of Catholic Social Teaching after Vatican II." Robert E. VanderVennen, ed., Church and Canadian Culture, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1991, pp. 57-85.

Cort, John C. "The Social Thought of Michael Novak: At Odds with the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching." New Oxford Review 55 (November 1988) 8-14.

Cronin, John F. "Saviors of Society." American Ecclesiastical Review 104 (June 1941) 514-17.

Cronin, John F. "Implementing the Social Encyclicals in America." Review of Social Economy (June 1947) 1-18.

Cronin, John F. "Economic Research and the Social Encyclicals: Progress and Poverty." Review of Social Economy 10 (March 1952) 16-31. Comments by Arthur F. Burns, 59-65, and Joseph M. Becker, S.J., 66-69.

Cronin, John F. Social Principles and Economic Life, revised ed. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1964.

Curran, Charles E. "Dialogue with Social Ethics: Roman Catholic Ethics Past, Present, Future." Catholic Moral Theology in Dialogue. Notre Dame: Fides Publishers, 1972, pp. 111-49.

Curran, Charles E. Moral Theology: A Continuing Journey. Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1982, pp. 173-208.

Curran, Charles E. "Roman Catholic Teaching on Peace and War within a Broader Theological Context." Journal of Religious Ethics 12 (Spring 1984) 61-81.

Curran, Charles E. "Just Taxation in the Roman Catholic Tradition." Journal of Religious Ethics 13 (Spring 1985) 113-33.

Curran, Charles E. Directions in Catholic Social Ethics. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1985. See chapter 1, "The changing Anthropological Bases of Catholic Social Ethics," pp. 4-42; chapter 2, "A Significant Methodological Change in Catholic Social Ethics," pp. 43-70; chapter 8, "Roman Catholic Teaching on Peace and War in a Broader Theological Context," pp. 1948-224.

Curran, Charles E. and Richard A. McCormick, S.J. Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching. New York: Paulist Press, 1986.

Curran, Charles E. "The Changing Anthropological Bases of Catholic Social Ethics." Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching. Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds. (New York: Paulist Press, 1986) 188-218.

Curran, Charles E. "Catholic Social and Sexual Teaching: A Methodological Comparison." Theology Today 44 (January 1988) 425-40.

Curran, Charles E. "Official Catholic Social Teaching and Conscience." Raphael Gallagher and Brendan McConvery, eds., History and Conscience: Studies in Honor of Father Sean O'Riordan, C.Ss.R., Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1989, pp. 85-104.

Curran, Charles E. "A Century of Catholic Social Teaching." Theology Today 48 (July 1991) 154-69.

Curran, Charles E. "What Catholic Ecclesiology Can Learn from Official Catholic Social Teaching." Eugene C. Bianchi and Rosemary Radford Ruether, eds. A Democratic Catholic Church: The Reconstruction of Roman Catholicism. New York: Crossroad, 1992, pp. 94-112.

Curry, Dean C. "The Origins and Relevance of the Bishops' Pastoral Letter." Dean C. Curry, ed., Evangelicals and the Bishops' Pastoral Letter, Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 1984, pp. 1-20.

Dempsey, Bernard. "The Economics Implicit in the Social Encyclicals." Review of Social Economy (December 1942) 12-18.

Desrochers, John. The Social Teaching of the Church. Bangalore, India, 1982.

DeValk, Alphonse, C.S.B. [Catholic social teaching.] Canadian Catholic Review 2 (May 1984) 34-35.

DiGiacomo, Gordon. "Aspects of Catholic Labor Teaching." Grail 2 (March 1986) 15-21.

Dion, G. "The Social Doctrine of the Church and the Economic Management of Enterprises." Industrial Relations Quarterly Review (September 1951).

Donahue, Thomas R. "From Rerum Novarum to Laborem Exercens: A United States Labor Perspective." Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching. Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds., New York: Paulist Press, 1986. pp. 384-410.

Dorr, Donal. Option for the Poor: A Hundred Yearws of Vatican Social Teaching. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1983. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1992. [Revised edition.]

Douglass, R. Bruce. ed. The Deeper Meaning of Economic Life: Critical Essays on the US Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Letter on the Economy, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1986. See R. Bruce Douglass, "First Things First: The Letter and the Common Good Tradition," pp. 21-36. Keith A. Breclaw, "From Rerum Novarum to the Bishops' Letter: Labor and Ideology in Catholic Social Thought," pp. 97-115. Elizabeth McKeown, "The Seamless Garment: The Bishops' Letter in the Light of the American Catholic Pastoral Tradition," pp. 117-37.

Drimmelen, Robert van. "Homo oikumenicus and homo economicus: Christian Reflection and Action on Economics in the Twentieth Century." Transformation 4, no. 3-4 (1987) 66-84.

Droel, William L. "The Delivery of Human Services: Mediating Structures and Catholic Social Thought." Communio 11 (Spring 1984) 89-94.

Drummond, William F. Social Justice. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1955.

Drummond, William F. Every Man a Brother. Washington, DC: Corpus Books, 1968.

Duff, Edward, S.J. "Anniversary as Anachronism." American Ecclesiastical Review 164 (May 1971) 297-309.

Duncan, Bruce F. "The Catholic Church and Economic Development." Lutheran Theological Journal 25 (August 1991) 115-25.

Duska, Ronald, ed. Rerum Novarum: A Symposium Celebrating 100 Years of Catholic Social Thought. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen, 1991. See: Amata Miller, "Catholic Social Teaching: What Might Have Been If Women Were Not Invisible in a Patriarchal Society," pp. 21-47. Bishop Joseph A. Francis, "Catholic Social Teaching and Minorities," pp. 99-107. Hugh Lacey, "Catholic Social Thought and Economic Systems: Capitalism and Socialism," pp. 135-64. William H. Farley, "Catholic Social Thought and Business," pp. 199-213. Archbishop Anthony J. Bevilacqua, "Homily Given at Symposium on Rerum Novarum," pp. 215-20.

Dussel, Enrique. Ethics and Community. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1988. See chapter 19: "The Gospel and the Social Teaching of the Church," pp. 205-18.

Dwyer, Judith A., ed. The New Dictionary of Catholic Social Thought. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1994.

Eberdt, Mary Lois, CHM, and Gerald J. Schnepp, SM. Industrialism and the Popes. New York: P.J. Kennedy & Sons, 1953.

Edwards, Denis. "The Integrity of Creation: Catholic Social Teaching for an Ecological Age." Pacifica 5 (June 1992) 182-203.

Elsbernd, Mary. "Papal Statements on Rights: A Historical Contextual Study of Encyclical Teaching from Pius VI Pius XI (1791-1939)." Ph.D. dissertation, Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), 1985.

Elsbernd, Sister Mary, OSF. "Rights Statements: A Hermeneutical Key to Continuing Development in Magisterial Teaching." Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 62 (Dec 1986) 308-32.

Finn, Daniel Rush. "The Church and the Economy in the Modern World." Judith A. Dwyer, SSJ, ed., "Questions of Special Urgency": The Church in the Modern World Two Decades After Vatican II, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1986, pp. 141-71.

Finn, James. "The Faith Community and World Order in the Perspective of Christianity." Ismail R. Al-Faruqi, ed., Trialogue of the Abrahamic Faiths: Papers Presented to the Islamic Studies Group of the American Academy of Religion, Herndon, VA: International Institute of Islamic Thought, 1986, pp. 67-76.

Finnis, John. "Catholic Social Teaching Since Populorum Progressio." Social Survey (August 1978) 213-20.

Finnis, John. "Catholic Social Teaching Since Populorum Progressio." James V. Schall, ed., Liberation Theology in Latin America, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1982, pp. 304-21.

Fisher, Eugene J., and Daniel F. Polish, eds. Formation of Social Policy in the Catholic and Jewish Traditions. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1980.

FitzGerald, Garret. "The Economist and Catholic Social Doctrine." Christus Rex 16 (October-December 1963) 266-84.

Fortin, Ernest. "From Rerum Novarum to Centesimus Annus: Continuity or Discontinuity?" Faith and Reason 17 (Winter 1991) 411.

Gorman, R., C.P. "Interpreting Papal Documents on Social Matters." Clergy Monthly 25 (August 1961) 267-88.

Goulet, Denis. "Catholic Social Doctrine and New Thinking in Economics." Cross Currents 42 (Winter 1992-93) 504-20.

Grelle, Bruce, and David Krueger, eds. Christianity and Capitalism: Perspectives on Religion, Liberalism and the Economy. Chicago: Center for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1986.

Gremillion, Joseph. "Evolution of Catholic Social Teaching since Pope John: The Influence of Secular Currents and World Events." The Gospel of Peace and Justice. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1976, pp. 3-124.

Gremillion, Joseph B. "Roman Catholic Social Teaching since Vatican Council II." Ralph D. Bucy, ed., The New Laity: Between Church and World, Waco, TX: Word Books, 1978, pp. 120-36.

Gremillion, Joseph. "On Social Teaching and Social Ministry in the Church, 1960-1980." Joan Bland, ed., The Pastoral Vision of John Paul II, Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1982, pp. 121-31.

Griffin, Leslie C. "The Integration of Spiritual and Temporal: Roman Catholic Church-State Theory from Leo XIII to John Paul II." Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University, 1984.

Griffin, Leslie. "The Integration of Spiritual and Temporal: Contemporary Roman Catholic Church-State Theory." Theological Studies 48 (June 1987) 225-57.

Grima, George. "Method in the Social Teaching of the Church." Melita Theologica 33 (1982) 11-33.

Gudorf, Christine E. "Historical Change and Conceptions of Justice: Papal Social Teaching 1922-77." Union Seminary Quarterly Review 33 (Winter 1978) 91-100.

Gudorf, Christine E. Catholic Social Teaching on Liberation Themes. Lanham: University Press of America, 1980.

Guerry, Emile. The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church. New York: Alba House, 1961.

Guerry, Emile. The Social Teaching of the Church. Boston: St. Paul Publications, 1961.

Guerry, Emile. The Popes and World Government. Baltimore: Helicon Press, 1964.

Gula, Richard M., S.S. "Natural Law Today." Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, S.J., Readings in Moral Theology No.7: Natural Law and Theology. New York: Paulist Press, 1991, pp. 369-91.

Habiger, Matthew H. "Papal Teaching on Private Property: 1891-1981." Ph.D. dissertation. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America, 1986.

Habiger, Matthew, O.S.B. "A Change in the Basis and Methodology of the Church's Social Teaching?" Social Justice Review 79 (1988) 19-25.

Habiger, Matthew, O.S.B. Papal Teaching on Private Property: 1891-1981. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1990.

Haight, Roger G., and John P. Langan. "Recent Catholic Social and Ethical Teaching in Light of the Social Gospel." Journal of Religious Ethics 18 (Spring 1990) 103-28.

Handwerker, Valentine N. "'Take of Your Substance, and Not Just of Your Abundance': The Modern Catholic Social Tradition on the Distribution of Surplus Wealth." Ph.D. dissertation. Rome: Lateran University, 1981.

Hanink, James G. "The Social Encyclicals: Roots in Scripture; Capital and Labor." National Catholic Register 64 (4 September 1988) 1+

Hanink, James G. "Healing the Social Order." National Catholic Register 64 (11 September 1988) 1+

Harte, Thomas. Papal Social Principles. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1956 and Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1960.

Hebblethwaite, Peter. "The Popes and Politics: Shifting Patterns in Catholic Social Doctrine." IDOC Bulletin nos. 11-12 (1982) 15-28. Mary Douglas and Steven M. Tipton, eds., Religion and America: Spirituality in a Secular Age. Boston: Beacon Press, 1983, pp. 190-204. Also in Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds., Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching, New York: Paulist Press, 1986, pp. 264-284.

Hebblethwaite, Peter. "Rerum Novarum to Centesimus Annus: Implications for Mission." SEDOS Bulletin 23 (15 November 1991) 293-302.

Hehir, J. Bryan. "Human Rights and the National Interest." Worldview 25:5 (May 1982) 18-21.

Hehir, J. Bryan. "John Paul II: Continuity and Change in the Social Teaching of the Church." Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching. Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds. (New York: Paulist Press, 1986) 247-263.

Hehir, J. Bryan. "Responsibilities and Temptations of Power: A Catholic View." Journal of Law and Religion 8, no. 1-2 (1990) 71-83.

Hehir, J. Bryan. "From Leo XIII to John Paul II: The Evolution of Catholic Social Teaching." Commonweal 118 (3 May 1991) 281-82.

Hehir, J. Bryan. "Catholic Social Teaching: Content, Character and Challenges." Ronald Duska, ed, Rerum Novarum: A Symposium Celebrating 100 Years of Catholic Social Thought, Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen, 1991, pp. 1-19.

Hehir, J. Bryan. "Catholics Can Build on a Foundation of Justice." Salt 11 (November/December 1991) 10-15.

Hengsbach, Friedhelm. "The Church and the Right to Work." Jacques Pohier and Dietmar Mieth, eds., Unemployment and the Right to Work. Concilium 160, New York: Seabury, 1982, pp. 40-49.

Henriot, Peter, S.J. "Our Best Kept Secret: Looking Toward 1991." Center Focus 87 (November 1988) 3-4.

Henriot, Peter J., Edward P. DeBerri, and Michael J. Schultheis. Catholic Social Teaching: Our Best Kept Secret. Revised and enlarged edition. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis and Washington, DC: Center of Concern, 1988.

Henriot, Peter J., S.J. "Social Teachings Offer Way Out of Africa Morass." National Catholic Reporter (3 May 1991) 28, 20.

Higgins, George G. "Religion and National Economic Policy: A Catholic Perspective." Eugene J. Fisher and Daniel F. Polish, eds., The Formation of Social Policy in the Catholic and Jewish Traditions, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1980, pp. 78-103.

Higgins, George G. "Issues of Justice and Peace." Chicago Studies 20 (Summer 1981) 200-02.

Higgins, George G. "The Present State of Catholic Social Teaching." F. Greenspahn, ed., Contemporary Ethical Issues in the Jewish and Christian Traditions, Hoboken, NJ: Ktav Publishing House, 1986. pp. 169-187.

Hobgood, Mary E. The Economics of Justice: Conflicts in Catholic Social Teaching. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1990.

Hobgood, Mary E. Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Theory: Paradigms in Conflict. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991.

Hoeffner, Cardinal Joseph. "The World Economy in the Light of Catholic Social Teaching." Communio (US) 13:3 (Fall 1986) 205-15.

Holland, Joe and Peter Henriot, S.J. Social Analysis: Linking Faith and Justice. Washington, DC: Center of Concern, 1980.

Hollenbach, David, S.J. "Modern Catholic Teachings Concerning Justice." John C. Haughey, ed., The Faith That Does Justice, New York: Paulist Press, 1977, pp. 207-231.

Hollenbach, David, S.J. Claims in Conflict: Retrieving and Renewing the Catholic Human Rights Tradition. New York: Paulist Press, 1979. Hollenbach, David, S.J. "Global Human Rights: An Interpretation of the Contemporary Catholic Understanding." Alfred Hennelly and John Langan, eds., Human Rights in the Americas, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1982, pp. 9-24. Also in Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching. Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds., New York: Paulist Press, 1986, pp. 366-383.

Hollenbach, David, S.J. "Global Human Rights: An Interpretation of the Contemporary Catholic Understanding." Perkins Journal 39:4 (October 1986) 1-10.

Hollenbach, David, S.J. "The Challenge of Peace in the Context of Recent Church Teachings." Philip J. Murnion, ed., Catholics and Nuclear War, New York: Crossroad, 1986, pp. 3- 15.

Hollenbach, David, S.J. Justice, Peace and Human Rights: American Catholic Social Ethics in a Pluralistic Context. New York: Crossroad, 1988.

Hollis, Christopher. Christianity and Economics. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1961. See chapter 2, pp. 29-49, on Leo XIII; chapter 3, pp. 50-76, on Pius XI; chapter 4, pp. 77-94, on Pius XII.

Hoermann, Karl. Peace and Modern War in the Judgment of the Church. Westminster, MD: Newman, 1966.

Hughes, Philip. The Popes' New Order: A Systematic Study of the Social Encyclicals and Addresses from Leo XIII to Pius XII. London: Burns & Oates, 1943.

Hurley, Denis. "Catholic Social Teaching and Ideology." Andrew Prior, ed., Catholics in Apartheid Society, Capetown, South Africa: David Philip, 1982, pp. 22-44.

Husslein, J. Christian Social Manifesto. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1939.

Hux, Samuel. "An Outsider's Look at Catholic Social Thought." Commonweal 108, No. 7 (10 April 1981) 200-205.

Jakowska, Sophie. "Roman Catholic Teaching and Environmental Ethics in Latin America." Eugene C. Hargrove, ed., Religion and Environmental Crisis, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1986, pp. 127-53.

Jegen, Mary Evelyn. "An Entirely New Attitude." Virgil Elizondo and Norbert Greinacher, eds., The Church and Peace, New York: Seabury Press, 1983, pp. 51-60.

Jennings, James R. "From Paternalism to Empowerment." Michael Downey, ed., That They May Live: Power, Empowerment, and Leadership in the Church, New York: Crossroad, 1991, pp. 118-29.

Jerez, Cesar. "The Church's Social Teaching and Liberation Theologies." Month 26 (April 1993) 155-59.

Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice. "100 Years of Catholic Social Teaching," Doctrine and Life 41 (April 1991) 209-12.

Joyce, John T. "Reflections on Catholic Social Thought from a Labor Perspective." New Catholic World 229 (September-October 1986) 204-09.

Kaiser, Edwin G., C.PP.S. Theology of Work. Westminster, MD: Newman, 1966.

Keegan, John E., M.M. "The View of the Poor in Social Teaching: A Missing Perspective." Church 5 (Spring 1989) 24-26.

Kolvenbach, Peter-Hans. "Church's Social Mission." Tablet 245 (13 April 1991) 455-56; (20 April 1991) 489-90.

Kovel, Joel. "The Vatican Strikes Back." William K. Tabb, ed., Churches in Struggle: Liberation Theologies and Social Change in North America, New York: Monthly Review, 1986, pp. 172-84.

Kownacki, Robert P. "Catholic Social Thought: From Rerum Novarum to Centesimus Annus." Ecumenical Review 43 (October 1991) 430-34.

Krumm, John N. Review of Richard Camp, The Papal Ideology of Social Reform: A Study in Historical Development 1878-1967. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1969. American Historical Review 75 (October 1970) 1713.

Lakeland, Paul, S.J. "The Politics of Catholic Social Teaching." Cross Currents 35 (Winter 1985) 393-407.

Lakeland, Paul F., S.J. "Ethics and Communicative Action: The Need for Critical Theory in Catholic Social Teaching." Thought 62 (March 1987) 59-73.

Langan, John, S.J. "Violence and Injustice in Society: Recent Catholic Teaching." Theological Studies 46 (December 1985) 685-99.

Langan, John, S.J. "Human Rights in Roman Catholicism." Journal of Ecumenical Studies 19 (Summer 1982) 25-39. Also in Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching. Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds., New York: Paulist Press, 1986, pp. 110-129.

Lee, Kam-Lun Edwin. "The Concept of Property and Possession in Contemporary Catholic Social Teaching since 1891." Crux 24 (June 1988) 15-25.

Leech, Kenneth. "Some Recent Trends in Catholic Social Theology." Theology 88 (September 1985) 365-374.

Lover, James F., C.Ss.R. "A Study of Significant Papal Statements, from Leo XIII to Pius XII, against Racial Discrimination." Unpublished master's dissertation, Department of Sociology, Catholic University of America, 1944.

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Mueller, Franz H. The Church and the Social Question. In Joseph N. Moody and Justus George Lawler, eds., The Challenge of Mater et Magistra, New York: Herder & Herder, 1963, pp. 13-154. Also published separately, Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1984.

Mueller, Franz H. "Catholic Social Doctrine between Scylla and Charybdis." Review of Social Economy 44 (April 1986) 40-56.

Murphy, Nancey. "On the Priority of Personal to Structural Evil in Catholic Social Teaching: A Critique." Joseph Runzo, ed., Ethics, Religion, and the Good Society: New Directions in a Pluralistic World, Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox, 1992, pp. 148-52.

Murray, John Courtney. "The Church and Totalitarian Democracy." Theological Studies 13 (December 1952) 525-63.

Murray, John Courtney. The Problem of Religious Freedom. Westminster, Md: Newman Press, 1965. First appeared in Theological Studies 25 (1964) 503-75.

Musto, Ronald G. The Catholic Peace Tradition. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1986 pp. 169-177, 187-198, 261-264.

Nangle, Joe, O.F.M. "'New Grace' in the Church." Sojourners 20 (May 1991) 6-7.

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Novak, Michael. Freedom with Justice: Catholic Social Thought and Liberal Institutions. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984. See chap. 6, "From Politics to Economics: Leo XIII and Pius XI," 108-125; chap. 7, "The Development of Nations: John XXIII and Paul VI," 126-48; chap. 8, "Creation Theology: Pope John Paul II," 149-164.

Novak, Michael. Catholic Social Thought and Liberal Institutions: Freedom with Justice. Transaction, 1989. (Reprint of Freedom with Justice with new introduction and concluding chapter.)

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Schasching, Johannes. "From the Class War to the Culture of Solidarity: A Fundamental Theme of the Church's Social Teaching." RenÄ Latourelle, ed., Vatican II: Assessment and Perspectives, New York: Paulist Press, 1988, vol. 3, pp. 466-481.

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Sullivan, Bishop Joseph M. "A Remarkable Beginning." Health Progress 72 (May 1991) 24-29.

Surlis, Paul. "The Relation Between Social Justice and Inculturation in the Papal Magisterium." Irish Theological Quarterly 52 (1986) 245-67. Also in A. Ary Roest Crollius, ed.,Creative Inculturation and the Unity of Faith, Rome: Pont. Gregorian University, 1986, pp. 9-40.

Taft, Philip. "The Popes Point the Way to Social Justice." America 83 (22 April 1950) 81-83.

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U.S. Bishops. "A Century of Social Teaching: A Common Heritage, a Continuing Challenge." Origins 20, no. 24 (22 November 1990) 394-96.

Velasquez, Manuel. "'Gaudium et Spes' and the Development of Catholic Social-Economic Teaching." Judith A. Dwyer, SSJ, ed., "Questions of Special Urgency": The Church in the Modern World Two Decades After Vatican II, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1986, pp. 173-199.

Villey, Daniel. "Catholics and the Market Economy." Modern Age 3 (Summer 1959) 250-61; (Fall 1959) 395-401.

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Ward, Barbara. "Planned Economy in Catholic Social Thought." Dublin Review 204 (January 1939) 85-99.

Warren, Michael. "The Problem of Re-Imagining the World." New Catholic World 229 (September-October 1986) 221-25.

Waters, W.R. "Schumpeter's Contributions and Catholic Social Thought." Review of Social Economy (September 1961) 33-46.

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Williams, Melvin J. Catholic Social Thought. New York: Ronald Press, 1950.

Williams, Oliver P., and John W. Houck, eds. The Common Good and U.S. Capitalism. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1987. See Charles E. Curran, "The Common Good and Official Catholic Social Teaching," pp. 111-29; Dennis P. McCann, "The Good to be Pursued in Common," pp. 158-78; Ernest Bartell, C.S.C., "Private Goods, Public Goods and the Common Good: Another Look at Economics and Ethics in Catholic Social Teaching," pp. 179-211.

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