John Paul II: Centesimus Annus

A Bibliography by Gerald Darring

Baum, Gregory. "Capitalism Ex Cathedra." Health Progress 73 (April 1992) 44-48.

Berger, Peter L. National Review, special supplement, 43 (24 June 1991) S2-3. Reprinted as "No 'Third Way'" in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 61-64.

Bowe, Paul, O.P. "Centesimus Annus." Doctrine and Life 41 (July-August 1991) 312-18, 324-31.

Burke, Greg. "John Paul Offers New Encyclical." National Catholic Register 67 (12 May 1991) 1+.

Burke, Greg. "John Paul's Capitalism with a Human Face." National Catholic Register 67 (19 May 1991) 1+.

Burke, Greg. "John Paul Calls for Solidarity." National Catholic Register 67 (2 June 1991) 1+.

Buttiglione, Rocco. "Behind Centesimus Annus." Crisis 9 (July-August 1991) 8-9. Reprinted in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 65-70.

Coleman, J. "Centesimus Annus: Who Got the Stronger Penance?" Johannes Baptist Metz and Edward C. Schillebeeckx, eds., No Heaven Without Earth, Philadelphia: Trinity, 1991.

Costigan, Michael E. "Australian Reactions to Centesimus Annus." Catholic International 2 (15-30 June 1991) 595-96.

Cox, Harvey. New York Newsday (May 1991).

Craycraft, Kenneth R., Jr. "'Having' and 'Being': John Paul II as Pastor." Washington Times (3 May 1991). Reprinted in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 71-73.

Dechert, Charles R. "The American Bishops' Letter on the U.S. Economy Revisited." Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 3 (1991) 73-92.

Dionne, E.J., Jr. "Capitalism with Soul?" Commonweal 120 (21 May 1993) 9-12.

Dougherty, Jude P. "Some Time-Tested Truths." L'Osservatore Romano [Eng.] No. 31 (5 August 1991) 6.

Duncan, Bruce F. "The Catholic Church and Economic Development." Lutheran Theological Journal 25 (August 1991) 115-25.

Echlin, Edward P. "Population and Catholic Theology: Discovering Fire Anew." Month 25 (January 1992) 35-38.

Fitzgerald, Desmond J. "In San Francisco, Blame America First." Crisis 9 (September 1991) 6.

Fortin, Ernest L. "Free Markets Have Their Limits: Two Cheers for Capitalism." Crisis 10 (July-August 1992) 20-25.

Friedman, Milton. National Review, special supplement, 43 (24 June 1991) S3-4. Reprinted as "Goods in Conflict?" in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 75-77.

Gallay, Peter. "A Renewed Challenge." Catholic International 2 (15-30 June 1991) 551.

Glendon, Mary Ann. "A Challenge to the Human Sciences." George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 79-83.

Graham, Robert A., S.J. "The Great Encyclicals." Columbia 71 (July 1991) 4.

Habiger, Matthew, O.S.B. "Reflections on Centesimus Annus." Social Justice Review 82 (September-October 1991) 139-42.

Hay, Donald A. "What Does the Lord Require? Three Statements on Christian Faith and Economic Life." Transformation 10 (January-April 1993) 10-15.

Healy, Sean, S.M.A. "New Structures Needed." Catholic International 2 (15-30 June 1991) 93-94.

Hebblethwaite, Peter. "Karol Jeckyll and Hyde-Wojtyla Debate Capitalism." National Catholic Reporter 27 (10 May 1991) 12-13.

Hebblethwaite, Peter. "Big News Is That Encyclical Voted for Democracy." National Catholic Reporter 27 (24 May 1991) 31.

Hehir, J. Bryan. "Reordering the World: John Paul II's Centesimus Annus." Commonweal 118 (14 June 1991) 393-94. Reprinted in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 85-89.

Higgins, George G. "A Tribute to the Polish Workers." Report for Catholic News Service. Reprinted in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 91-93.

Higgins, George G. Letter to the editor. Wall Street Journal (24 May 1991) A11.

Himes, Kenneth, O.F.M. "The New Social Encyclical's Communitarian Vision." Origins 21 (1 August 1991) 166-68.

Hittinger, Russell. "The Problem of the State in Centesimus Annus." Fordham International Law Journal 15 (August 1992) 952-96.

Hittinger, Russell. "The Pope and the Liberal State." First Things 28 (December 1992) 33-41.

Hollenbach, David, S.J. "The Pope and Capitalism." America 164 (1 June 1991) 590-91.

Hollenbach, David. "Christian Social Ethics after the Cold War." Theological Studies 53 (March 1992) 75-95.

Hug, Jim. "Centesimus Annus: Rescuing the Challenge, Probing the Vision." Center Focus, No. 102 (August 1991) 1ff.

Hug, James E. Centesimus Annus: Dramatic Call for Epochal Change." SEDOS Bulletin 23 (15 October 1991) 267-69.

Hurley, Mark J. "Centesimus Annus." America 165 (26 October 1991) 291-92.

Ikonowicz, Miroslav. "The Pope Challenges Capitalism." World Press Review 38 (July 1991) 49-50.

Johnson, Thomas S. "Capitalism After Communism: John Paul Sets Foundation for Meaningful Dialogue." America 165 (26 October 1991) 290.

Jones, Arthur. "Pope Conjures Up Tantalizing Alternatives to Capitalism." National Catholic Reporter 28 (8 November 1991) 20.

Joyce, Michael S. "The Voluntary Society and the Moral Order." George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 95-99.

Knowlton, Christopher. "Investment Advice from the Pope." Fortune 123 (3 June 1991) 12-13.

Krueger, David. "Two Visions of Church and Economy in a Postsocialist World." Christian Century 110 (16-23 June 1993) 634-38.

Land, Richard D. National Review, special supplement, 43 (24 June 1991) S5-7. Reprinted as "Good News, Better News, Best News" in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 101-05.

Letwin, Shirley Robin. National Review, special supplement, 43 (24 June 1991) S7. Reprinted as "An Encyclical in Conflict with Itself?" in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 107-09.

Limouris, Gennadios. "Orthodoxy Facing Contemporary Social Ethical Concerns." Ecumenical Review 43 (October 1991) 420-29.

Loades, Ann L., ed. "On Centesimus Annus." Theology 95 (November-December 1992) 405-32. Includes: Ronald H. Preston, "Centesimus Annus: An Appraisal," pp. 405-16; Stanley Hauerwas, "In Praise of Centesimus Annus," pp. 417-32. Reply by M. S. Northcott, 96 (January-February 1993) 27-35.

Lynn, Thomas D. "Of Politics, Catholics, and the Social Doctrine." Social Justice Review 84 (January-February 1993) 18-21.

Mahony, Roger Cardinal. "Reflection on Centesimus Annus: The Teaching of Revelation." L'Osservatore Romano [Eng.] No. 32/33 (12-19 August 1991) 9.

Marti, Thomas J. "Centesimus Annus: Challenge to Social Action." Tripod 65 (1991) 14-27.

Martini, Marco. "Reflection on Centesimus Annus: Gospel Is Basis for Action." L'Osservatore Romano [Eng.] No. 29 (22 July 1991) 9.

McBrien, Richard P. "Capitalists Should Worry about Pope." National Catholic Reporter 28 (18 September 1992) 2.

McCormick, Patrick. "That They May Converse: Voices of Catholic Social Thought." Cross Currents 42 (Winter 1992-1993) 521-27.

McCormick, Patrick T. "Centesimus Annus." Judith A. Dwyer, ed., The New Dictionary of Catholic Social Thought, Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1994, pp. 132-43.

McGurn, William. "100 Years Later: In a Clear, Dynamic New Encyclical, the Pope Explores the Nature of Freedom and Work." National Catholic Register 67 (19 May 1991) 1+.

McGurn, William. "Is the Pope Capitalist?" American Spectator 24 (August 1991) 12-14. Reprinted in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 111-17.

Mehuron, Tamar. "At Street Level New Encyclical Is Playing Well." National Catholic Register 67 (26 May 1991) 1+.

Mejia, Jorge Maria. "Centesimus Annus: An Answer to the Unknowns and Questions of Our Times." Ecumenical Review 43 (1991) 401-10.

Minogue, Kenneth. National Review, special supplement, 43 (24 June 1991) S7-8. Reprinted as "Moral Managerialism" in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 119-22.

Moynihan, Daniel P. "Social Justice in the Next Century." America 165 (14 September 1991) 132-37.

Murray, Bishop William. "Centesimus Annus: A Timely Encyclical." Catholic International 2 (15-30 June 1991) 597+.

Neuhaus, Richard John. "The Pope Affirms the 'New Capitalism.'" Wall Street Journal (2 May 1991) A16. Reprinted as "An Argument about Human Nature" in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 123-29.

Neuhaus, Richard John. Doing Well and Doing Good: The Challenge to the Christian Capitalist. New York: Doubleday, 1993.

Neusner, Jacob. National Review, special supplement, 43 (24 June 1991) S9-10. Reprinted as "The Meaning of 'In God's Image'" in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 131-33.

Niemeyer, Gerhart. National Review, special supplement, 43 (24 June 1991) S10-11. Reprinted as "The Poverty of the West" in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 135-38.

Northcott, Michael S. "Preston and Hauerwas on Centesimus Annus: Reflections on the Incommensurability of the Liberal and Post-Liberal Mind." Theology 96 (January-February 1993) 27-35.

Novak, Michael. "The Church and Capitalism." Forbes 147 (15 April 1991) 92-93.

Novak, Michael. "Wisdom from the Pope." Washington Post (7 May 1991) A21.

Novak, Michael. "A Papal 'Yes' to Capitalism." Forbes 147 (27 May 1991) 182-83.

Novak, Michael. National Review, special supplement, 43 (24 June 1991) S11-12. Reprinted as "Tested by Our Own Ideals" in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 139-42.

Novak, Michael. "Capitalism with a Heart: The Man They Called the Last Socialist Comes Out in Favor of Free-Market Capitalism." Crisis 9 (June 1991) 21-22.

Novak, Michael. "Magnificentesimus." Crisis 9 (July-August 1991) 2-3.

Novak, Michael. "The Hundredth Year." Crisis 10 (1992) 2-3.

Phillips, R.L. "Communitarianism, the Vatican, and the New Global Order." Ethics and International Affairs 5 (1991) 135-147.

Preston, Ronald. "Catholic Social Thought." One World 168 (August-September 1991) 22-23, 27.

Rockwell, Llewellyn. Washington Times (3 May 1991).

Roos, Lothar. "The Message of Centesimus Annus." Tripod 65 (1991) 4-13.

Royal, Robert. "The Importance of What's Absent." George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 169-80.

Rusher, William A. "Capitalism with a Heart." Syndicated column, Newspaper Enterprise Association (20 May 1991).

Schall, James V., S.J. "The Unexpected Encyclical." Social Justice Review 82 (September-October 1991) 143-47.

Schall, James V., S.J. "Newness That Is Not New." George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 143-47.

Schall, James V. "The Call Contained in the Being of Things: The Import of John Paul II's Centesimus Annus." Vital Speeches 58 (15 January 1992) 213-17.

Schall, James V. "The Teaching of Centesimus Annus." Gregorianum 74, No. 1 (1993) 17-43.

Schasching, Johannes, S.J. "Reflection on Centesimus Annus: Leo XIII and the Culture of Work." L'Osservatore Romano [Eng.] No. 22 (3 June 1991) 5.

Schlossberg, Herbert. "A Message Obscured by Static?" George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 149-53.

Schroeder, W. "The Encyclical Centesimus Annus and Its Consequences for the New Capitalism in a United Europe." Response by Viggo Mortensen. Dag Hedin, Viggo Mortensen, Karsten Fledelius, et al, A Just Europe: The Churches' Response to the Ethical Implications of the New Europe, Uppsala: Tro & Tanke, 1992.

Selling, Joseph A. "The Theological Presuppositions of Centesimus Annus." Louvain Studies 17 (Spring 1992) 35-47.

Shaw, Russell B. "Social Teaching for the Second Hundred Years." Our Sunday Visitor 80 (19 May 1991) 3.

Shaw, Russell B. "Avoiding Past Mistakes in the New World: Could One Spiritual Void Replace Another in Eastern Europe? Pope John Paul II Fears So." Our Sunday Visitor 80 (14 July 1991) 19.

Shaw, Russell B. "Finding the Balance." Our Sunday Visitor 81 (14 March 1993) 3.

Simon, William E., and Michael Novak. "Pope's Encyclical Advances Liberty, Prosperity." National Catholic Reporter 27 (24 May 1991) 32.

Singer, Daniel. "Papal Polonaise." Nation 252 (27 May 1991) 689.

Sirico, Robert A. "Encyclical Swings Church Deep into Capitalist Camp." National Catholic Reporter 27 (24 May 1991) 16.

Sirico, Robert A., C.S.P. National Review, special supplement, 43 (24 June 1991) S12-13. Reprinted as "Away from the Zero-Sum View" in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 155-57.

Stackhouse, Max L. "John Paul on Ethics and the 'New Capitalism.'" Christian Century 108 (29 May/5 June 1991) 581-83. Reprinted in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 159-64.

Steinfels, Peter. "Papal Encyclical Urges Capitalism to Shed Injustices." New York Times (3 May 1991) A1, A10.

Steinfels, Peter. "Rome's 100-Year Hunt for a Middle Ground." New York Times (5 May 1991) D4.

Strain, Charles R. "Concerning New Things and Old: A Reading of Centesimus Annus." Word and World 12 (Fall 1992) 360-69.

Sullivan, Bishop Walter F. "Justice Agenda for the 90s." Origins 21 (15 August 1991) 176-80.

Tischner, Jozef. National Review, special supplement, 43 (24 June 1991) S13-14. Reprinted as "A View from the Ruins" in George Weigel, ed., A New Worldly Order, pp. 165-68.

Torre, Joseph M. de. "John Paul's Stubborn Humanism." Homiletic and Pastoral Review 92 (February 1992) 56-59.

Tucker, Jeffrey A. "Papal Economics 101: The Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism." Crisis 9 (June 1991) 16-21.

Turner, Frank, S.J. "John Paul II's Social Analysis." Month 24 (August 1991) 344-49.

Utz, Arthur F., O.P. "Centesimus Annus Gives Us a Profoundly Ethical View of Social and Economic Politics." L'Osservatore Romano [Eng.] No. 28 (15 July 1991) 8+.

Villa-Vicencio, Charles. "Centesimus Annus: An Alternative Church Reading." Ecumenical Review 43 (October 1991) 435-42.

Weigel, George, ed. A New Worldly Order: John Paul II and Human Freedom. Washington, DC: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1992.

Wilber, Charles K. "Argument That Pope 'Baptized' Capitalism Holds No Water." National Catholic Reporter 27 (7 June 1991) 8, 10.

Windsor, Pat. "Neoconservatives Capitalize on Papal Encyclical." National Catholic Reporter 27 (17 May 1991) 3.

Woodward, K.L. "The Market and the Pope." Newsweek 117 (13 May 1991) 56.

"After Communism." Commonweal 68 (1 June 1991) 355-57.

"Centesimus Annus." America 164 (25 May 1991) 555-56.

"Democracy Rules OK." Tablet 245 (11 May 1991) 563.

"Encyclical Seeks New World Economic Order: Pope Says Marxism Is Dead, Capitalism Suffers Serious Ills." National Catholic Reporter 27 (10 May 1991) 1+.

"God's Visible Hand." Economist (4 May 1991) 42.

"How to Read the Pope's Encyclical." Tablet 245 (4 May 1991) 531.

"John Paul II on Capitalism." Christian Century 108 (15-22 May 1991) 545-46.

"Mater et Magistra, After All." National Review 43 (27 May 1991) 16.

"On Not Cheering the Parade." America 164 (20 April 1991) 435-36.

"Pope John Paul II's Encyclical Centesimus Annus." National Catholic Reporter 27 (24 May 1991) 17-30.

"Pope John Paul's Social Teaching." Tablet 245 (4 May 1991) 533.

"Pope Points Toward Economic Third Way for Common Good." National Catholic Reporter 27 (10 May 1991) 20.

"Practicing What We Preach." Tablet 245 (18 May 1991) 595.

"That Encyclical." First Things 15 (August-September 1991) 11-12.

"The Pope and the West." National Review 43 (13 May 1991) 19.

"The Pope, Liberty, and Capitalism: Essays on Centesimus Annus." [Special section.] National Review 43 (24 June 1991) S1-S16. Articles by Peter L. Berger, Milton Friedman, John Gray, Richard D. Land, Shirley Robin Letwin, Kenneth Minogue, Richard John Neuhaus, Jacob Neusner, Gerhart Niemeyer, Michael Novak, Robert A Sirico, Jozef Tischner, Ernest van den Haag, and George Weigel.

"The Pope's Message and the Secular Press." Tablet 245 (11 May 1991) 572.