Pius XI: Quadragesimo Anno

A Bibliography by Gerald Darring

Abell, Aaron I. American Catholicism and Social Action: A Search for Social Justice 1865-1950. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1960, pp. 237-39.

Baerwald, Friedrich. "The Labor Encyclicals Today." Thought 26 (June 1951) 165-79. Reprinted in Catholic Mind 49 (October 1951) 622-34.

Barry, David. "What Is a Fair Wage: The Teaching of Two Popes." Irish Ecclesiastical Record 45 (March 1935) 253-55.

Benestad, J. Brian. "The Catholic Concept of Social Justice: A Historical Perspective." Communio 11 (Winter 1984) 364-381.

Benvenisti, J.L. "Eight Years After: Reflections on Quadragesimo Anno." Dublin Review 205 (October 1939) 327-43.

Boland, J.P. "Fifty Years of Social Justice." Sign 20 (May 1941) 585-87.

Bruehl, Charles P. "The Social Testament of Pius XI." Homiletic and Pastoral Review 39 (May 1939) 785-94.

Bruehl, Charles P. The Pope's Plan for Social Reconstruction. New York: Devin-Adair, 1939.

Calvez, Jean-Yves, S.J. "Economic Policy Issues in Roman Catholic Social Teaching: An International Perspective." Thomas M. Gannon, S.J., ed. The Catholic Challenge to the American Economy, New York: Macmillan, 1987, pp. 15-26.

Coleman, John A., S.J. One Hundred Years of Catholic Social Thought: Celebration and Challenge. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1991, pp. 18-21.

Cort, John C. "After Sixty Years." Commonweal 54 (11 May 1951) 114-15.

Cort, John C. "The Popes and the American Worker." Catholic Mind 54 (November 1954) 636-41.

Cort, John C. "Anniversaries of Two Great Papal Documents on the Social Question." Sign 35 (May 1956) 52-54.

Cox, I. W. The Spirit of Quadragesimo Anno: Supernatural Charity. Brooklyn, NY: International Catholic Truth Society, 1936.

Coyne, E. J. "National Economic Councils." Studies 22 (June 1933) 288-306.

Cronin, John F. "The Message of Quadragesimo Anno Today." Social Order 6 (January 1956) 2-12. Reprinted in Catholic Mind 54 (November 1956) 608-21.

Cronin, John F. "Forty Years Later: Reflections and Reminiscences." American Ecclesiastical Review 164 (1971) 310-18. Also in Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds., Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching, New York: Paulist Press, 1986, pp. 69-76.

DeCourscy, Sister Edwin. "Reconstruction of the Social Order." Social Justice Review 40 (September 1947) 149-53.

Donnelly, G.B. "The Pope and the Corporations." America 48 (11 March 1933) 548-50; 48 (25 March 1933) 592-94; 49 (15 April 1933) 31-33.

Dorr, Donal. Option for the Poor. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1983, pp. 57-75.

Dorr, Donal. The Social Justice Agenda: Justice, Ecology, Power and the Church. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1991.

Duff, Edward, S.J. "Anniversary as Anachronism." American Ecclesiastical Review 164 (May 1971) 297-309.

Dye, Elizabeth. "Quadragesimo Anno as interpreted by F.P. Kenkel." Social Justice Review 49 (November 1956) 219-23.

Engelen, W. J. "Pope Pius XI and the Unions of Workingmen." Central-Blatt and Social Justice 24 (March 1932) 379-81.

Furfey, P. H. "Personalistic Social Action in the Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno." American Catholic Sociological Review 2 (December 1941) 204-16.

Giblin, Marie J. "Quadragesimo Anno." Judith A. Dwyer, ed., The New Dictionary of Catholic Social Thought, Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1994, pp. 802-13.

Gorman, Ralph. "Two Great Documents." Catholic Mind 49 (October 1951) 701-02. Reprinted from Sign 30 (May 1951) 4.

Greeley, Andrew. "Quadragesimo Anno after Fifty Years." America 145 (1-8 August 1981) 46-49.

Grosschmid, G. B. "Pesch's Concept of the Living Wage in Quadragesimo Anno." Review of Social Economy 12 (September 1954) 147-55.

Hanink, James G. "Healing the Social Order." National Catholic Register 64 (11 September 1988) 1+.

Harte, Thomas J. "Silver Jubilee of Quadragesimo Anno." Catholic University of America Bulletin 23 (April 1956) 1-2, 8.

Hertzstein, R.E. "Pius XI and the Crisis of Liberal Capitalism: Quadragesimo Anno." Bucknell Review 15 (1967) 3:38-46.

Higgins, George G. "Corporatism: A Review of Understanding Labor by B.H. Fitzpatrick." Commonweal 43 (2 November 1945) 74-76.

Higgins, George G. "Quadragesimo Anno: Memories and a Look Forward." America 95 (5 May 1956) 127-28.

Higgins, George G. "Toward a New Society." Catholic Mind 54 (November 1956) 629-35.

Higgins, George G. "Commentary." Catholic Mind 69 (November 1971) 58-64.

Hobgood, Mary E. Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Theory: Paradigms in Conflict. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991, pp. 96-130.

Holmes, J. Derek. The Papacy in the Modern World, 1914-1978. New York: Crossroad, 1981.

Hunton, George K. "Quadragesimo Anno and Interracial Justice." Interracial Review 21 (September 1948) 134-36; 37 (May 1964) 103-05.

Husslein, Joseph C., S.J. The Christian Social Manifesto: An Interpretative Study of the Encyclicals Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1931. Fifth ed., 1939.

Jennings, James R. "Quadragesimo Anno--Forty Years After." America 125 (25 September 1971) 208-10.

Kammer, Fred, S.J. Doing Faithjustice. New York: Paulist Press, 1991, pp. 79-81.

Keating, J.I. "The Root of All Evil." Month 159 (April 1932) 347-50.

Kelleher, J. "Quadragesimo Anno." Irish Ecclesiastical Record 38 (October 1931) 337-47.

Koch, E.A. "Papal Call to Reconstruct Society." Fortnightly Review 39 (November 1932) 249-51.

Kohler, Thomas C. "Quadragesimo Anno (1931)." George Weigel and Robert Royal, eds., A Century of Catholic Social Thought., Washington, DC: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1991, pp. 27-43.

LaFarge, John. "Ten Years Ago Pius Lit New Beacons of Safety." America 65 (10 May 1941) 121-23. Reprinted in Catholic Mind 39 (22 June 1941) 4-13.

LaFarge, John, S.J. "The New Labor Encyclical." America 45 (6 June 1931) 203-04.

Loftus, J.A. "Protest against Simplicism." Commonweal 24 (18 September 1936) 479-81.

Lorwin, L.L. "The Encyclicals of Leo XIII and Pius XI." Current History 34 (July 1931) 486-87.

Lucey, R.E. "Economic Disorders and 'Quadragesimo Anno.'" Homiletic and Pastoral Review 35 (May 1935) 858-66.

MacIver, R.M. "Papal Encyclical on Labor." Current History 34 (July 1931) 481-85.

Malone, J.D. "Is the Rich Man Obliged to Feed the Poor?" Dominicana 17 (June 1932) 119-23.

Masse, Benjamin L., S.J. "Economic Liberalism in the Modern World." America 70 (1 April 1944) 705-07; 71 (8 April 1944) 7-9.

Masse, Benjamin L., S.J. "The Popes and the Industrial Revolution." America 85 (12 May 1951) 157-59. Reprinted in Catholic Mind 49 (October 1951) 634-41.

Masse, Benjamin L., S.J. "Twenty-five Years of Quadragesimo Anno." America 95 (5 May 1956) 130-33.

Masse, Benjamin. "Pope Pius XI on Rebuilding the Social Order." America 124 (29 May 1971) 559.

Masterson, Ignatius. "Most Dangerous Radical of Them All." Dominicana 18 (June 1933) 74-79.

McCarthy, George E., and Royal W. Rhodes. Eclipse of Justice. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1992, pp. 162-66.

McCoy, C.N.R. "Social Justice in Quadragesimo Anno." Social Order 7 (June 1957) 258-63.

McGowan, Raymond A. "Reconstructing the Social Order." American Catholic Philosophical Association, 1933 Proceedings, pp. 183-90.

McGowan, Raymond A. "Footnotes to a Document." Commonweal 24 (8 May 1936) 38-40.

McGowan, Raymond A. "Further Footnotes." Commonweal 24 (31 July 1936) 339-41.

McGowan, Raymond A. New Guilds: A Conversation. New York: Paulist Press, 1937.

McGowan, Raymond A. Property-Organization-Government Action: An Application of Pope Pius XI's Reconstructing the Social Order to American Agriculture. Washington, DC: NCWC, 1932. 15 pp. Reprinted from Catholic Action (November-January, 1931-32). Also in Central-Blatt and Social Justice 24 (January 1932) 309-11; (February 1932) 346-49.

McGowan, Raymond A. Toward Social Justice: A Discussion and Application of Pius XI s Reconstructing the Social Order. New York: Paulist Press, 1933.

McNabb, Vincent. "The Pope's Social Encyclical." Blackfriars 12 (July 1931) 395-402.

Michel, Virgil, O.S.B. Christian Social Reconstruction: Some Fundamentals of the Quadragesimo Anno. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1937.

Miller, Raymond J. Forty Years After: Pius XI and the Social Order: A Commentary. St. Paul, MN: Radio Replies Press, 1947.

Mitchell, John J., Jr. "Embracing A Socialist Vision: The Evolution of Catholic Social Thought, Leo XIII to John Paul II." Journal of Church and State 27 (1985) 468-69.

Mort, Ernest. "Christian Corporatism." Modern Age (Summer 1959) 245-49.

Mueller, Franz H. "Three Stages of Encyclical Social Philosophy: Rerum Novarum, Quadragesimo Anno, and Mater et Magistra." Social Justice Review 54 (October 1961) 184-88+

Mueller, Franz H. The Church and the Social Question. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute, 1984. Originally appeared in Joseph N. Moody and Justus G. Lawler, eds., The Challenge of Mater et Magistra, New York: Herder and Herder, 1963.

Mulachy, Richard E. "Leading Industrialists Agree with the Encyclical." America 61 (20 May 1939) 128-29.

Munier, Joseph D. Some American Approximations to Pius XI's Industries and Professions. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1943.

Murphy, Francis X. "Oswald von Nell-Breuning: Papal Surrogate." America 165 (26 October 1991) 293-95.

Nell-Bruening, Oswald von, S.J. Reorganization of Social Economy: The Social Encyclical Developed and Explained. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1936.

Nell-Breuning, Oswald von, S.J. "Vocational Groups and Monopoly." Review of Social Economy 9 (September 1951) 89-110.

Nell-Breuning, Oswald von, S.J. "The Drafting of Quadragesimo Anno." Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds., Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching. New York: Paulist Press, 1986, pp. 60-68.

Novak, Michael. Freedom with Justice. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984. See chapter 6, "From Politics to Economics: Leo XIII and Pius XI," 108-125.

Parsons, Wilfrid. "Papal Plan for Social Reconstruction." Catholic Mind 40 (22 March 1942) 1-9. Irish Monthly 70 (August 1942) 319-26.

Parsons, Wilfrid. "The Pope and the Depression." America 47 (16 April 1932) 37-39. Reprinted in Catholic Mind 30 (22 June 1932) 244-48.

Parsons, Wilfrid. "What Are Vocational Groups?" Thought 17 (September 1942) 464-76.

Phelan, Gerald B. Social Reconstruction. Toronto: St. Michael's College, 1933. (5 parts: pamphlet nos. 10-14.)

Roepke, Wilhelm. "Liberalism and Christianity." Modern Age (Fall 1957) 128-34.

Ryan, John A. "The Papal Encyclical on Labor." Survey 66 (15 June 1931) 307.

Ryan, John A. "The New Things in the New Encyclical." Ecclesiastical Review 85 (July 1931) 1-14.

Ryan, John A. "Encyclicals of Leo XIII and Pius XI." Current History 34 (July 1931) 486-87.

Ryan, John A. A Better Economic Order. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1933, pp. 177-84.

Ryan, John A. Seven Troubled Years, 1930-36. Ann Arbor, MI: Edwards Brothers, 1937. See: "A New Social Order," pp. 72-77; "Pope Pius XI's Quadragesimo Anno," pp. 140-43; "A New Social Order," pp. 143-46; "Quadragesimo Anno and the Attainment of Prosperity," pp. 259-63.

Ryan, John A. "On the Anniversary of the Encyclical." American Catholic Sociological Review 2 (June 1941) 83-89.

Sands, W.F. "After Forty Years." [Reply to R.M. MacIver.] Commonweal 14 (16 September 1931) 468.

Schmiedeler, E. "Pius XI's New Social Order and Agriculture." American Ecclesiastical Review 103 (October 1940) 371-77.

Schnepp, Gerald J., S.M. "Social Progress, 1931-46--An Estimate of a Papal Document." American Catholic Sociological Review 7 (March 1946) 3-14; Catholic Mind 44 (November 1946) 661-70.

Schroll, Agnes Claire. "John Lancaster Spalding and Quadragesimo Anno." American Benedictine Review 7 (1956) 248-62.

Schumpeter, Joseph. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy. New York: 1950. (See p. 416).

Solterer, J. "Quadragesimo Anno: Schumpeter's Alternative to the Omnipotent State." Review of Social Economy 9 (March 1951) 12-27.

Somerville, Henry. "The Guild System." Catholic World 134 (November 1931) 221-22.

Spaeth, H.J. "Economic Order and Papal Teachings." Shield 38 (May 1959) 20-22.

Sumner, M.P. "Papal Encyclical." Commonweal 14 (3 June 1931) 132.

Swanstrom, E.E. "The Priest and the Quadragesimo Anno." Ecclesiastical Review 91 (September 1934) 225-35.

Taft, Philip. "The Popes Point the Way to Social Justice." America 83 (22 April 1950) 81-83. Also in Benjamin L. Masse, ed., The Church and Social Progress, Milwaukee: Bruce, 1966, pp. 33-38.

Thorning, J.F. "Economic Organization and the Encyclical." Catholic Mind 33 (22 January 1935) 21-27.

Wallace, L. "The Church and the Depression." Eugene G. Black, ed., Posture of Europe, 1815-1940: Readings in European Intellectual History, Homewood, IL: Dorsey Press, 1964, pp. 669-699.

Walsh, John P., O.M.I. The Basic Principles of the Industry Council Plan of Pius XI and of the Policy of the Sherman Act. San Antonio: De Mazenoid Scholasticate, 1951. Reprinted from Revue de l'Universite d'Ottawa (January-March and April-June 1951).

Ward, Barbara. "Planned Economy in Catholic Social Thought as Outlined in the Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno." Dublin Review 204 (January 1939) 85-99.

Watt, Lewis. Pius XI and Social Reconstruction. Oxford: Catholic Social Guild.

Watt, Lewis, S.J. "The Social Teaching of Pius XI." Tablet 173 (18 February 1939) 220-21.

White, Bishop Charles D. "Social Encyclicals." Catholic Mind 49 (October 1951) 711-15.

Williams, W. The C.I.O Industry Council Plan as an Approximation to Pius XI's Industries and Professions. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1951.

Woywod, Stanislaus. "Encyclical on the Restoration of the Social Order and the Perfecting of the Same according to the Law of the Gospel." Homiletic and Pastoral Review 31 (August 1931) 1213.

Yzermans, Vincent A. "Two Social Encyclicals." Ave Maria 74 (22 December 1951) 783-87.

Zacharias, H.J.E. "Quadragesimo Anno at the Oxford Summer School." Central-Blatt and Social Justice 25 (December 1932) 263-66.

"Attack on Socialism Called Ill-Founded." New York Times (16 May 1931) 10.

"Does the Pope Condemn Capitalism?" Fortnightly Review 40 (September 1933) 199-200.

Editorial. Nation 132 (3 June 1931) 597.

"Encyclical Hailed as a Brave Stand." New York Times (25 May 1931) 22.

"Environment of the Encyclical." Commonweal 34 (23 May 1941) 100-01.

"Father of the Poor." Commonweal 14 (3 June 1931) 113-14.

"Holy Father's Pronouncement on Labor and Capital." Catholic World 133 (June 1931) 361-62.

"Labor Views of Leo and Pius Compared." Speech by John A. Ryan. New York Times (26 May 1931) 6.

"Needed Counsel." Columbia 10 (July 1935) 18.

"Pope, Labor and Wages." Outlook 158 (27 May 1931) 105.

"Quadragesimo Anno: An American Symposium." Social Order 6 (January 1956) 1-48.

"Some Timely Commentaries on a Great Encyclical." Catholic Action 14 (May 1932) 18-23.

"Statement on Commemoration of the Anniversaries of Reconstructing the Social Order and The Condition of Labor." Ecclesiastical Review 94 (May 1936) 449-55.

"The Encyclical and the Press." America 45 (13 June 1931) 221-22.

"The Human City." Month 4 (July 1971) 6-7.

"The Pope and Labor." New Republic 67 (27 May 1931) 32-33.

"The Pope Is Attacked as Socialistic!" Christian Century (24 June 1931).

"The Pope's Demand for Justice for the Wage-Earner." Literary Digest 109 (30 May 1931) 5-6.

"The Pope's Encyclical." Christian Century 48 (3 June 1931) 735-37.

"The Pope's Encyclical on Labor." World Tomorrow 14 (July 1931) 212-13.