Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Vatican II. See Chapter 4: The Laity
Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity Vatican II
Christifideles Laici Pope John Paul II
Instruction on Certain Questions Regarding the Collaboration of the Non-ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of Priests Instruction on Certain Questions Regarding the Collaboration of the Non-ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of Priests
Pontifical Council for the Laity
Called and Gifted for the Third Millennium U.S. Catholic Bishops
in the Vineyard of the Lord: A Resource for Guiding the Development of Lay Ecclesial Ministry National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Subcommittee on Lay Ministry, Committee on the Laity
Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
Lay People and the Church Leonard Doohan
Church and Laity: Give and Take Cathy Molloy
The Church and the Laity Michael Bossy
Lay Ecclesial Ministers: A Theological Look into the Future Bernard Sesboue
Lay Pastoral Theology: Fostering Spiritual Adulthood in a Priest-Short Church Michael P. Horan
Contemporary Lay Identity and the Concept of Consecration Virginia Sullivan Finn
Vocation to Ministry: Are the Laity Called? Juan-Lorenzo Hinojosa
Ministry, Muddle and Mystery Clare Watkins
Lay Discipleship--A Contradiction in Terms? Wilma Malcolm
Lay Discipleship--A Contradiction in Terms? James Hawks
Lay Discipleship--A Contradiction in Terms? Philippa Gray
Lay Discipleship--A Contradiction in Terms? William Brodrick
Here I Am, Lord William H. Farley
Critical Issues for Laity Leonard Doohan
Bearing Witness Angela Tilby
The Experience of God in Everyday Life Dolores Leckey
Freedom For Lay Action P. G. Walsh
The Priesthood of the Laity G. Verhaegen
Articles in Compass Review, a Review of Topical Theology published quarterly by the Australian Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
What's in a Name? Part I: 'Ministry' and 'Common Priesthood' Anthony Gooley
What's in a Name? Part II: 'Ordained' and 'Lay Apostolate' Anthony Gooley
The Emerging Role of Laity: Tensions and Opportunities Anthony Maher
Heart Spirituality and the Lay Vocation Frank Fletcher MSC
Articles in Spirituality Today, a journal of the Chicago Dominican province
The Call to the Laity Donald Goergen, OP
A Spirituality for the Laity: Yes or No? Elizabeth A. Dreyer
A History and Theology of Sharing Responsibility for the Church Richard K. Weber, OP
Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
The Nonvowed Form of the Lay State in the Life of the Church Patricia A. Sullivan
The Laity in Church Law John J. Reed
Lay Priesthood: Towards a Terminology Paul F. Palmer
Reflections on the Status of a Theology of the Layman Anthony J. Kelly
The Lay Priesthood: Real or Metaphorical? Paul F. Palmer
Articles in Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America
Preparation of Spiritual Directors of the Lay Apostolate Joseph A. Spitzig
Does the Laity Have a Role in the Prophetic Mission of the Church? Robert S. Pelton
The Theology of the Lay Apostolate James E. Quill
Theology of the laity Francis Keating
The Problem of Theology for the Laity Charles E. Sheedy
The preparation of a lay apostle Sebastian Carlson
Lay participation in Christ's priesthood James Edward Rea
Dominican items
The Christian Laity Jordan Aumann, O.P.
The Laity Donald J. Goergen, OP, page 80
Toward a Definition of 'Laity' Jordan Aumann, O.P.
Items from other sources
Everyday contemplatives: Lay associates seek to live out monastic values in daily life Judith Valente
Co-Responsibility: An Antidote to Clericalizing the Laity? John Cavadini
An Eschatology of the Secular Jordan A. Haddad
Is It Time for Lay Cardinals again? Dr. Andrew Thomas Kania
The Christian Formation of the Laity and Lay Missionary Efforts in Asia Msgr. Joseph Dinh Duc Dao
Open Letter of a Croatian Lay Theologian to a "German" Pope: Marko MaruliƦ to Adrian VI Franz Posset
Abortion, Bishops, Eucharist, and Politicians: A Question of Communion Gregory C. Sisk and Charles J. Reid, Jr., pages 270-274
The Role of the Laity: An Examination of Vatican II and Christifideles Laici Carl E. Olson
Reflections on John Paul II's Theology of the Laity: 20th Anniversary of Christifideles Laici Peter N.V. Hai
Discerning Meaning: The New Lay Ecclesial Ministers Zeni Fox, Ph.D., page 5
Reason Laity Are Stepping Forward Is Bigger Than Decrease in the Clergy Richard P. McBrien
Laity Should Move Their Assets and Reclaim Church Eugene C. Bianchi
Laity in the World: The Church at Work Nelvin Vos
Popular Catholic Action Pope Pius X, page 234
Oblates of Saint Benedict
Lay Carmelites
Dominican Lay Fraternities
Dominican Laity
History of the Dominican Laity Richard Weber, O.P.
The Purpose of the Dominican Laity Charles R. Malatesta, O.P.
Dominican Spirituality and Vatican II's Expectations of Lay People Christopher Kiesling, O.P.
Catherine of Siena Institute
Lay Camillan Family
Don Bosco Secular Institutes
Comboni Lay Missionaries
Maryknoll Lay Missioners
Brothers and Sisters of Penance
Christian Life Community
United States Conference of Secular Institutes
Lay Pastor Society
Community of Sant'Egidio
The Role of the Laity in Modern Thai Buddhism B.J.Terwiel